viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

The structure of the members of the +association

The +project and the +association are created to nurture and care the +agents of  +global +change. That's the main purpose, because the +project and the +association are people.

The identification as +agents of  +global +change
Once a person contact the project and he qualifies themselves as +agents of  +global +change or their intention to become +agents of  +global +change.
They will  be followed, even if they don't enter to project, to see:
1) if they do something that qualify to become a member +agents of  +global +change
2) on +agent of  +global +changeof the association in the area will be notified so he know he exists and if he needs he can contact him under specific conditions.
The basic information 
The member gets information that maybe he may not disclose i.e. the invention he wants to do, to other people until he develosp enough to get a patent, and gives him basic information
The introductory course
There is a introductory course, even if they could be free, they will not, because the +assocaition and the +project bases in the axiom that anything must be get with their own effort.
There will be an option for people without resource, to as a grant, at least he must search and deserve it, o access to this as a loan in several payment, etc.
In this introductory course will be, depending the area of +change he is working, the guidelines, the techniques, and the local members he can contact and get help previous payment or negotiation.

The privacy, the potential +agents of  +global +change, will know the +association will investigate periodically what he is doing, if he don't want it must explicitly say it.

The gain of the membership
Once a person gains the membership of +agents of  +global +change, they will receive a basic instruction.
And the other benefits of the members.
In this situation he can postulate for some jobs.

The gain of experienced membership
Once a member  pass the basic instruction and basic abilities he gets a status that allows to get jobs of higher hierarchy.
In this stage the member can take leadership of local groups of  potential +agents of  +global +change.

The gain of leadership position
There are three areas of leadership
- The groups of function leader, one for every specific function of the +project and +association, i.e. leadership of groups, protection of +agents of  +global +change, etc.
-The group   of area leader, one leader for each different area of  +global +change, i.e. archeology, invention, gourmet, etc.
- The group of strategy specialist, one for each main strategy, diplomacy, negotiation, aggressive and fast changes, slow and effective long term changes, etc.
Because the +project bases on the axiom, the only thing that will allow a +global +change to be effective, si the correct strategy to implement it. And for that reasaon focuses in that abilities.

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