viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2016

+members of the +association work in public forums and projects and file sharing services

In the same way that the members will work using normal mails, the project will suggest to use public forums, file sharing services, project management services, etc.

The reason is to give a methodology to work easily, using a free or payed a forum service, wihtout having to pay for the creation and maintenance of this services.

In the same way when the forum be confidential, it can be encripted, or could include the real message encripted inside images, etc.

Of course if some decide to create their own file,mail and projects servers, its their decision, the important is not depend on them to have a way to start and keep a project.

Of course the security entities are members of the project so they will receive the encript methods, suggested for the project.

Currently organized criminal groups , are using high levels of technology and encription, and are following people in social networks to find their victims, so this allows  to protect the information and identity of the members, without expensive investments.

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