sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016

The game of the mail and the awareness of the security of information

As explained earlier the member of the project will play several games to increase their ability and awareness of tht reality.
One of them is the game of the mail
Any member will choose a mail to receive
the member should confirm he read or deleted without reading the mail, sending the code of the mail received to a mail of the association, if the mail is not read in a period of time of one week, the person will be contacted, because that will be one of the controls of existence of the member, if they can find them the association will start a search of him until he is found.
The member must understand to read mail is one of the key elements for the project to know he is alive.

the mail between members should be encrypted, this is a requirement of the association
the member must leave how visible will be his mail: to the public, to members, to zodiac members only.
These means some members  can really need an utility to do this.

There will be some tools to make this and other functionality, that could be developed by other members,  the other members could use that utilities to steal information from other members, in that sense if one members buys an utility to encrypt and decrypt, they must have another utility to verify it doesn't filter information.

These will force to develop an ability to create mail, encrypt them, to analyze the raw information his computer sends.

And that is the idea to create an internal fight  for information, the internal development of tools in the association to protect their information and to control the stole of information.
These knowledge will be too translated to the life and the companies the members can have, making them to understand how vulnerable they are against hackers and rime organizations and making them harder their work to stole information.

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