lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2016

The limits of the defense of a positive member of the +project

These is a suggestion, to rule the behaviour of the members when they are attacked and have to set a defence.

Members will need to defend from attacks, the question is which is the limit.
The idea that if some one throw a punch to the hero, and then he throw a grenada, that is not idea, because the reality doesn't work like movies.

The first is THE LIMIT, the real limit is one can't make direct and indirect damage in the defense than the one received from the attacker indirect and indirectly.

The second is to understand teh fact that if someone throws you a rock and you throw it again then there is a possibility he is going to throw again the same rock or a bigger one.

Finding a solution that cover both interests

Conflicts between human groups
In these situations then both groups agree there is a point where both are interested in the well being of the humanity.  In these situations the strategy is:
"To quit the possibility of a complete victory to get only a partial victory to avoid a complete failure"

Conflicts between underground groups :) (requires you read the explanation of the understanding of underground groups of the project)
In the conflicts between underground groups (in one theroy) one group see humans as a lower specie and to quit to individuality as a evidence of inferiority; and the higher beings of the groupal being will not accept the others. So there is not too much possibility to reach an draw.  Much more when at the end of the evolution process in each planet only one can win.
What happens in one or in another way are the cycles of control;  one win and is up in the society; then the other is reduced focus his efforts and attack and then he is up  and the other reduced.
But the understanding both groups believes they are right, several members will not quit to their values neither goals, and the cycle of win and lose will execute permanently in one or another way, makes you understand you must recognize that, the fact they think they are right and both have families, and are in endless fight until one recognize is wrong, that is not going to happen in a looong time.
This understanding moves to focus in something more important than simple win them, else in the evolution of all the creation, and the process of understanding to find who is right, why both can't coexists, etc.

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