sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016

The recruitment of +agent of +change for the association

Any person who had done a global positive change, that restructure the functioning of the society in any of their dimension, will have the right to be a member.

The condition are:
 -this is a positive change
 -this restructure the functioning of the society globally

This includes all the areas
 - in food, a change in the way people get food
 - in archeology, the use of a piece of history to redefine the way the people see the world
 - in industry, business, and products, the same.

What will not give the right for a credential , with the exception of anonymous.
A fight against fraud, poverty, greed, etc. That fight are right, but this is a project and an association to get changes, not for social activism to ask other to do something, else to find a way to solve them by ourselves in a positive way.

This is a project and association that push and give people the tools they need to fight to find solution that solve the problems in a creative and effective way; from the beginning to the end. Because is easy to understand the problems, the problems is first to understand the problem, then to find a solution, then to find a solution that works in the reality and finally to convince people to use it. A process that can take several decades, that require special people that need a lot of support and guidance to succeed.


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