miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

Requirements for the +cazadores of +g+c: ability to visualize reality as a set of games

The ability to visualize the problems as a set of games, is crucial.

The goal is:
To keep objetivity in the problem.
See the problem as a game, where the one that has a better strategy and apply it will win.
Focus in what you can really do.
Disconnect emotionally of the problem.

When applying this techniques you are you, you know what you want, what is important, what are the priorities; but simply you disconnect of your feelings, your desire to win inconditionally, the consequences of the menaces you can receive, you see to you and the others as players, and you see you and the others, your needs and expectatives, with objetivity and take your best decision for you, your goal and all the people who are with you.

The importance:
The +agent of In any +global +change , for the time involved in designing and creating the change the +agents get involved emotionally in the  problematic  that generates the need of the change, their own suffering, the suffering of other pople, the impotence to make the change, the fact that there are social groups that block that change, etc.
When the +agent  involves emotionally, when he lose the objetivity, when he thinks only in what he feels and lose empathy, and act emotionally will make more dificcult the global change or can avoid the posibility to success in the +global +change in a short event in long term.
For that reason IS A REQUISITE, to develop this ability.

In the case, that a social or criminal groups start a defence to destroy or invalidate the reputation of the +agent of a+change, the main tool is the manipulation of their fear, menaces to kill, attack, deface or torturate loved people are usual, this attacks can come from family, parents, police, judicial system, co-workers, etc.
In that situation the use of the abilities the +association had teach to the +agent of +change, requires that first disconnect emotionally to keep a clear  vision of all the situation, analyze and then act, that act is his move in the game, and if the +agent of change makes it incorrectly he can even die.
This is the reason to invest and develop the ability to see the reality like a set of games.

The techniques are:  
To move away of the reality and see it unpersonally.
See it as a far black and white movie.
See it as a game where anyone can win or lose and the important is to think in the strategy and the next move you will do.

The need to keep a positive and good mode, to enjoy the game even if you lose.
The need to ENJOY THE GAME, you can lose or win, but nothing can take out the pleasure to play a game, to make the effort the create a +global+change; and enjoy it, that is the unique thing you always have even you lose even you win.  Because no matter you do, sometimes you will win sometimes you will lose, and this is living :). And the positive and good mode, will keep you awake to detect and use the oportunities you will have to succed when they appear to you.

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