viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2016

Requirement for +a+c: good sense of humor

The sense of humor is part of the ability to move to the place you want to be, your vision, you hope.
If you keep in the place where you are, you are not moving to the place you want to be.
And is an ability required to be an agent of change, that must be tested and developed as a requirement, specially for those who have to live in the darkest areas of human existence to change it.

The sense of humor, contacts too with your ego child who is more empathetic, and other benefits, you can search on internet :)

domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2016

The independence in the management of the groups of the +association

The +association will present the basement of the +project , vision, strategy, etc. Once it is set clearly, maybe in the future will propose a model of management, as a suggestion; but every different group that integrates the +association, have the freedom and the independence to set their own rules  and internal management. This has two reason 1) to allow every group adequate to his own characteristics 2) to give the freedom to control themselves and apply their own creativity 3) to avoid unnecessary administrative task and controls from the presidency toward each group of the +association.

Requirement for the member: to have an active goal and a big dream

Every member must have a goal and a dream, vision, something they are pursuing.
Depending if they are an ONG, they can show it publicly in detail, or if they are inventors, they can hide completely even inside the association.
But is important to set is as an imperative requirement, because a dream and a goal is the evidence someone exists and has an individuality in a correctly structure mind. :)

sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2016

The management of the assets, and the fraud in the +association

The fraud in one or more of his manifestations, will exists in the +association as it exists in any human organization, for that reason, the money from donations  is recollected and stored mainly in the different groups of the +association: by specialty, by strategy.

The donations are not done  directly to the organization, the donations are done to the groups to projects, etc. but the President and the administrative group can't receive a cent of money out that their salary an the money they nee for specific tasks. The presidency of the +association is a very sacrificed work, thsi is important to transmit the rest of the association, the first goal of the +association is to serve and protect +agent of +change.
In that sense, if a group of the association get donations is for them, even if they give it to others, is a point of negotiation with other groups of the organization.
The idea is to keep the president , and administration  as a group of people who live year by year, and is forced to make a good job to keep it working.
We want to avoid to create an organization like the Catholic Church, the money will change the priority of serving +agents of +change,  to manage the assets of the +association. An it gives the flexibility to the different groups of the association .

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2016

Payments and collaboration between areas

Nothing in the project should be free or cheap, if it can be payed there must be a compromise to be payed in the future.
The payment can be between the newbie and the +association, or a compromise of payment between different specialties of the association, expressed in hours and the person or the level of one person that will execute the job.

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

The vision, the concept of sacrifice and the priority of the project: the +agents of +global +change

The reason of the +association are the +agents of +global +change, this means the older and experienced members of the +association  has the responsibility to nurture and care +agents of +global +change.

This note is to make emphasis in the fact, the older +agents of +global +change, are there to:
- make feel important to the new members
- mentor new members
- care and nurture to new members, following their advance and helping even without allowing they know they are doing it.
-follow then and guarantee they will succeed.
-protect them.

Is true older members can create projects, get work, etc. But the essence of the +association are the new members and they are the priority.

These is related to the concept of sacrifice, most +agents of +global +change, had lived, is possible they have a good economic welfare, they enjoyed the lived and succeed, now is their responsibility to allow new members, between 13 and 25 years, has that same opportunity and succeed in their projects.
And the concept of sacrifice is real, they sacrifice their time, maybe their income, to allow newer and potential members succeed,  they will make movements to help the new members if possible without knowing they had done, so guide and help them to reach their goals. The norm is the older members will not receive recognition, because generally the newer members never will know they were helped, but at their own time the newer members will have to do the same for the newer generations, that is the concept of sacrifice and dedication toward the new generation of +agents of +global +change.

These is one of the columns of the association.
And these will be done in group and coordinating the work with the association, these means the association must register the activity of the mentoring an expeirnece +agents of +global +change is doing for a newer +agents of +global +change.
The association wil care too of the experienced +agents of +global +change, and will take that work in consideratino for other benefits including the possibility to becoem a leader in some groups of leadership.

The president and vicepresident, are like real fathers of al the members, at the same time the leaders for their groups of experienced members, and experienced members for newer members.
They really care about their security and ensuring they have the enough to survive, and that they are working on something related to +global +change.
But these has a price every member must have their own will and a dream (a +global +change) they must figh t and follow, the conditions are any member must:
- care other members
- follow a +global +change
- they must work hard for them.
Once they fulfill the requirement they become members of the big family that must be protected and nurtured, to allow the +global +change of the humanity continue advancing to the future :)
The president and vicepresident are in effect the members that makes the biggest sacrifices for all the members of the +association, work to helpthem, and usually don't receive nothing, because that is their decision, their responsibility and their satisfaction comes from the fact they see the +members and the +association continues existing in the present, beucase to keep working the +association under the current expectatives is a real big achivement.

The structure of the members of the +association

The +project and the +association are created to nurture and care the +agents of  +global +change. That's the main purpose, because the +project and the +association are people.

The identification as +agents of  +global +change
Once a person contact the project and he qualifies themselves as +agents of  +global +change or their intention to become +agents of  +global +change.
They will  be followed, even if they don't enter to project, to see:
1) if they do something that qualify to become a member +agents of  +global +change
2) on +agent of  +global +changeof the association in the area will be notified so he know he exists and if he needs he can contact him under specific conditions.
The basic information 
The member gets information that maybe he may not disclose i.e. the invention he wants to do, to other people until he develosp enough to get a patent, and gives him basic information
The introductory course
There is a introductory course, even if they could be free, they will not, because the +assocaition and the +project bases in the axiom that anything must be get with their own effort.
There will be an option for people without resource, to as a grant, at least he must search and deserve it, o access to this as a loan in several payment, etc.
In this introductory course will be, depending the area of +change he is working, the guidelines, the techniques, and the local members he can contact and get help previous payment or negotiation.

The privacy, the potential +agents of  +global +change, will know the +association will investigate periodically what he is doing, if he don't want it must explicitly say it.

The gain of the membership
Once a person gains the membership of +agents of  +global +change, they will receive a basic instruction.
And the other benefits of the members.
In this situation he can postulate for some jobs.

The gain of experienced membership
Once a member  pass the basic instruction and basic abilities he gets a status that allows to get jobs of higher hierarchy.
In this stage the member can take leadership of local groups of  potential +agents of  +global +change.

The gain of leadership position
There are three areas of leadership
- The groups of function leader, one for every specific function of the +project and +association, i.e. leadership of groups, protection of +agents of  +global +change, etc.
-The group   of area leader, one leader for each different area of  +global +change, i.e. archeology, invention, gourmet, etc.
- The group of strategy specialist, one for each main strategy, diplomacy, negotiation, aggressive and fast changes, slow and effective long term changes, etc.
Because the +project bases on the axiom, the only thing that will allow a +global +change to be effective, si the correct strategy to implement it. And for that reasaon focuses in that abilities.

viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2016

The main responsibilities of the +president +vicepresident of the +association

The +presidenet and +vicepresident of the +association most important responsibilities are:
- the safety and protection of +agents of +global +change
  by training
 by supervising and mentoring
by permanently creating the strategy, the products, and the marketing of products, and services to atract +agents of +change tojoin and work under some of the regimentation of the +association.

The +association is something very flexible, and is possible it appear and disappear across the time, the important is that their structure exists so if across the time some group of people need temporarily a methodology to work and create a +global +change, they could found and use  it as reference without having to start from zero.

+members of the +association work in public forums and projects and file sharing services

In the same way that the members will work using normal mails, the project will suggest to use public forums, file sharing services, project management services, etc.

The reason is to give a methodology to work easily, using a free or payed a forum service, wihtout having to pay for the creation and maintenance of this services.

In the same way when the forum be confidential, it can be encripted, or could include the real message encripted inside images, etc.

Of course if some decide to create their own file,mail and projects servers, its their decision, the important is not depend on them to have a way to start and keep a project.

Of course the security entities are members of the project so they will receive the encript methods, suggested for the project.

Currently organized criminal groups , are using high levels of technology and encription, and are following people in social networks to find their victims, so this allows  to protect the information and identity of the members, without expensive investments.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

Requirements for the +cazadores of +g+c: ability to visualize reality as a set of games

The ability to visualize the problems as a set of games, is crucial.

The goal is:
To keep objetivity in the problem.
See the problem as a game, where the one that has a better strategy and apply it will win.
Focus in what you can really do.
Disconnect emotionally of the problem.

When applying this techniques you are you, you know what you want, what is important, what are the priorities; but simply you disconnect of your feelings, your desire to win inconditionally, the consequences of the menaces you can receive, you see to you and the others as players, and you see you and the others, your needs and expectatives, with objetivity and take your best decision for you, your goal and all the people who are with you.

The importance:
The +agent of In any +global +change , for the time involved in designing and creating the change the +agents get involved emotionally in the  problematic  that generates the need of the change, their own suffering, the suffering of other pople, the impotence to make the change, the fact that there are social groups that block that change, etc.
When the +agent  involves emotionally, when he lose the objetivity, when he thinks only in what he feels and lose empathy, and act emotionally will make more dificcult the global change or can avoid the posibility to success in the +global +change in a short event in long term.
For that reason IS A REQUISITE, to develop this ability.

In the case, that a social or criminal groups start a defence to destroy or invalidate the reputation of the +agent of a+change, the main tool is the manipulation of their fear, menaces to kill, attack, deface or torturate loved people are usual, this attacks can come from family, parents, police, judicial system, co-workers, etc.
In that situation the use of the abilities the +association had teach to the +agent of +change, requires that first disconnect emotionally to keep a clear  vision of all the situation, analyze and then act, that act is his move in the game, and if the +agent of change makes it incorrectly he can even die.
This is the reason to invest and develop the ability to see the reality like a set of games.

The techniques are:  
To move away of the reality and see it unpersonally.
See it as a far black and white movie.
See it as a game where anyone can win or lose and the important is to think in the strategy and the next move you will do.

The need to keep a positive and good mode, to enjoy the game even if you lose.
The need to ENJOY THE GAME, you can lose or win, but nothing can take out the pleasure to play a game, to make the effort the create a +global+change; and enjoy it, that is the unique thing you always have even you lose even you win.  Because no matter you do, sometimes you will win sometimes you will lose, and this is living :). And the positive and good mode, will keep you awake to detect and use the oportunities you will have to succed when they appear to you.

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2016

The limits of the defense of a positive member of the +project

These is a suggestion, to rule the behaviour of the members when they are attacked and have to set a defence.

Members will need to defend from attacks, the question is which is the limit.
The idea that if some one throw a punch to the hero, and then he throw a grenada, that is not idea, because the reality doesn't work like movies.

The first is THE LIMIT, the real limit is one can't make direct and indirect damage in the defense than the one received from the attacker indirect and indirectly.

The second is to understand teh fact that if someone throws you a rock and you throw it again then there is a possibility he is going to throw again the same rock or a bigger one.

Finding a solution that cover both interests

Conflicts between human groups
In these situations then both groups agree there is a point where both are interested in the well being of the humanity.  In these situations the strategy is:
"To quit the possibility of a complete victory to get only a partial victory to avoid a complete failure"

Conflicts between underground groups :) (requires you read the explanation of the understanding of underground groups of the project)
In the conflicts between underground groups (in one theroy) one group see humans as a lower specie and to quit to individuality as a evidence of inferiority; and the higher beings of the groupal being will not accept the others. So there is not too much possibility to reach an draw.  Much more when at the end of the evolution process in each planet only one can win.
What happens in one or in another way are the cycles of control;  one win and is up in the society; then the other is reduced focus his efforts and attack and then he is up  and the other reduced.
But the understanding both groups believes they are right, several members will not quit to their values neither goals, and the cycle of win and lose will execute permanently in one or another way, makes you understand you must recognize that, the fact they think they are right and both have families, and are in endless fight until one recognize is wrong, that is not going to happen in a looong time.
This understanding moves to focus in something more important than simple win them, else in the evolution of all the creation, and the process of understanding to find who is right, why both can't coexists, etc.

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2016

Strategy and the management of the money in the +association+f+r

To keep effective the association and attract people motivated to help the members, and avoid the +a+f+r to grasp unnecessarily money that will attract other kind of people to manage it, there are some rules that are set for it.

The importance of this strategy is for to keep the priority and the focus  always in their members, their work, their lives, their projects, etc. That is the only thing really important for this project al their members. And their administrative staff and the president are a secondary priority focused in their members too.

First is to set, that to get the members see it as an achivement of their members, all the improvements all the strcuture everything will be introduced by the members, not the administration of the +a+f+r, except the basic. If the association grow and becomes something bigger will be by their work, that will make the members to see as their +association, not as a +association someone created. Even in the basic things the administration of the +association could do, they will not do unless the essential.

The +a+f+r will have money reserved only for 2 years, this create a environment where the members of administration must be active to keep the +a+f+r active.
Any money that  exceed that reserves, must be reinvested in the members, their courses, their security, and other tasks.
 The income from the +a+f+r comes from the activities of the +a+f+r.
The +a+f+r will not accept money, as donation, from any member, and it will always be rejected. Because it will be easy to receive several millions of dollars and changed the functioning as a bureaucratic organization, and will atract people with big resumes, and not necessarily the proactive and emphatic people needed.
The project will give the minimum for administrative personnel, this will attract people with an independent income, with the main motivation to help their member and improve the organization. Most of the time, unless some exception, the members will finance themselves.
The +a+f+r can accept money for structure, that money will belong to the member who can't ask it in return unless the +a+f+r doesn't need that structure, for structure means any building or accessories, including security  that the +a+f+r can need, but can't finance by itself. And never will pay interest for it.
No one member can earn interest from the money lend for structure to the +a+f+r. This avoid the +a+f+r be wasting their money, and will help to keep as a light and dynamic organization.

The catholic church in example, is an organization that was created by catholic, but become an institution by itself, if their believers disappear it will remain, the catholic church empowered a person with the money and power; the +a+f+r is a shell, if their members dissapear in two years it will disappear too, and if their members reappear it will reappear too. The strategy that their structure will be a lend from their members without interest neither limit of time, gives property to the members; and the fact it only keeps the money for two years, doesn't keeps power in the +a+f+r+, and his president, don't have a real power from the money, neither the properties of the +a+f+r; this causes all the focus reside and the priority of service reside in their members, in their care, the focus doesn't translate in the care  to a president neither to a institution which became a priority by itself.

The +association is a very flexible concept to allow groups of +global +change to work, that can be assembled very easily, that can be replicated by minor groups, and can be disassembled and disappear easily at a very low or no cost, literally.

The idea is simply when a group want sto make a global change, must have a model of organization, the possibility to get support in knowlege, in technique and monetary from other groups to make that change globally, this can take months or years; and once this temporary organization fulfill their goals, can disappear, the responsibility to make tracing can be translated to the individual or another +a+f+r association, the important is people should know how to get support. and how to organize.

sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016

The recruitment of +agent of +change for the association

Any person who had done a global positive change, that restructure the functioning of the society in any of their dimension, will have the right to be a member.

The condition are:
 -this is a positive change
 -this restructure the functioning of the society globally

This includes all the areas
 - in food, a change in the way people get food
 - in archeology, the use of a piece of history to redefine the way the people see the world
 - in industry, business, and products, the same.

What will not give the right for a credential , with the exception of anonymous.
A fight against fraud, poverty, greed, etc. That fight are right, but this is a project and an association to get changes, not for social activism to ask other to do something, else to find a way to solve them by ourselves in a positive way.

This is a project and association that push and give people the tools they need to fight to find solution that solve the problems in a creative and effective way; from the beginning to the end. Because is easy to understand the problems, the problems is first to understand the problem, then to find a solution, then to find a solution that works in the reality and finally to convince people to use it. A process that can take several decades, that require special people that need a lot of support and guidance to succeed.


The benefits of the association to their members

 Many agent of change fail because they don't have the support, the knowledge of the technique, the ability of negotiation, the understanding in sociology, etc. That fail can imply to lose their own life when going against social values, institutions and companies.
The goal of this project is to show a positive way to get that changes, that will accelerate that changes, maximizing their positive impact in the society and minimizing the conflict and the negative effect.
Teaching they don't always have to win, teaching some time they must go backward and retract in what they are right to get a smaller, but a real improvement in their societies, that the right thing is not the one that wins, else the one that wins is  the most respectful and positive change that recognizes all the members even when they are wrong.  A real change that moves step by step instead that a theoretical  unreal big change that could solve completely a problem, but that is not is accepted and never happen.

This is a association that will give to the members, to the +agents of +change, several resources, to get they can give more the global society, to help to increase their ability, their creativity in an entertained and challenging mode.

The benefits of the project to their members are:
- Basic integral training in several areas: physic security, self defense, negotiation, interdisciplinary basic knowledge (sociology, psychology, hypnosis, business administration, etc.), techniques for invention, etc.
- Mentoring and guidance in design and production of products for big markets.
- Direct  contact with other agent of change
- Access to selected and privileged  information
- Possibility to hire and be hired and work in projects related to specific areas
- Possibility to win money, only for members, making product to make easier their work.
- Get protection, members will be followed, will receive legal advice and protection when needed.
- Possibility to help younger agent of change without experience and help to grow in the area the member has experience.
- Receive information about companies that help to be more effective the work of an agent of change, business that optimize the production, benefit of new technology to accelerate their introduction and get important saving of cost, etc.
- Receive special grants and financing from other members and companies.
- A direct contact with person/business that support +agent of +change in specific areas.
- etc.

- To be proactive permanently as an +agent of +change.
- Payment for the use of different tools that the project offer
- Receive basic training
- To fulfill the regimentation hat forces to be positive, etc.
- etc.

The game of the mail and the awareness of the security of information

As explained earlier the member of the project will play several games to increase their ability and awareness of tht reality.
One of them is the game of the mail
Any member will choose a mail to receive
the member should confirm he read or deleted without reading the mail, sending the code of the mail received to a mail of the association, if the mail is not read in a period of time of one week, the person will be contacted, because that will be one of the controls of existence of the member, if they can find them the association will start a search of him until he is found.
The member must understand to read mail is one of the key elements for the project to know he is alive.

the mail between members should be encrypted, this is a requirement of the association
the member must leave how visible will be his mail: to the public, to members, to zodiac members only.
These means some members  can really need an utility to do this.

There will be some tools to make this and other functionality, that could be developed by other members,  the other members could use that utilities to steal information from other members, in that sense if one members buys an utility to encrypt and decrypt, they must have another utility to verify it doesn't filter information.

These will force to develop an ability to create mail, encrypt them, to analyze the raw information his computer sends.

And that is the idea to create an internal fight  for information, the internal development of tools in the association to protect their information and to control the stole of information.
These knowledge will be too translated to the life and the companies the members can have, making them to understand how vulnerable they are against hackers and rime organizations and making them harder their work to stole information.

The show of the +Association of +Cazadores of the +Global +Change

If the concept of the association  +c+f+r  works, the next step  will be to become it a spectacle,  the reason for this will be to promote the concepts of the project for the survival of the humanity , development of the individuality and freedom of choice, to protect the members and their task, making them like movie start until some point, to promote projects; to make to become a agent of positive global change as a model to follow, etc.

The show of the association will be coordinated and supervised, to maximize his positive impact and minimize the negative effects this can have; and this will be a responsibility more the members will have, to create an image and a marketing that will help the positive change around the world. :)