sábado, 17 de junio de 2017

The reason for the +association and +project for each person

Is a requirement for all member to have a dream, a goal, once reached the members must set a new one; that is the most important part of the mental structuring, because the money, food, water, etc. and the need to work with the time will be available at not cost in the future.
The member doesn't have to say the true, but he must set it publicly.
The dream, the goal of a member will connect to other members and allow the creation of new plans and strategies.
The reason of the +association and +project for a person  can be to become rich, but something measurable 1 milllion or 1 billion, giving the opportunity to members to create business relations; for other is the possibility to interact with people and learn from their experiences,  because he has enough money and his goal can be to understand and classify their motivations and their experiences; for other the possibility to great adventures and learning, it can be to go to live to mars, etc.

That dream/goal is what is really important because that will explain when and how that person will support the +association and +project and when it will not; because the +association and +project are a group of individualities with dreams, not a group of goals that get sense by themselves.
The exception are the common and essential goals for the humanity and societies, that all members will share in a minor or major way.

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