Whenever the +project or the +association will have the oportunity to have an absolute victory, that will be rejected, and instead of that the +project will allow a important victory instead, and will create a exit for they so they can continue with the posibility to exists in the society.
Is true that this will not happen frequently, the fact that i.e. a criminal group become good, but in the other hand to block will force the to gather better strategies and will seek an equivalent strategy or weapon that will cause the same effect in the humanity, in these case, a local or global absolute victory for them.
For that reason is a limitation for the +project and the +association the reach absolute victories and they must always create a path that allow to save the honor and continue the existence as human to their members, considering factor like sociopaty and psychopaty include in a strategic solution that don't expose them to a situation where that aspects of their personality raise against humanity easily.
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