miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

+global positive value: assume the sacrifice in gratitud over any negative consequence

Stanislav Petrov,was demoted from rank and soon after retired from his work after denied to react with an attack to what seem to be a nuclear attack from EEUU, in 1983.
These situation will be frequent for the members who does the correct for a positive +global community.
Because to obey the positive principles of the +association and the +project doesn't mean to obey the laws and regimentation of their countries and institutions.
The problem resides in people who can handle these situations, because these can imply the destruction of his career, the break of marriages, to destroy the future of their children, and all the consequences that it involves including jailing and deaths.

For that reason the +association set the global value of sacrifice and teach the consequences of an ethical behavior, the most common is fraud, the fraud is commonly around 70% in public institutions and less in private institutions, a person who thinks this is something exceptional and see the world as the good who deserves the good and the bad that must be punished. Once he/she start a task to stop that fraud, soon discovers the reality what means between other possibilities, to be accused of a crime he/she didn't commit, accused of the fraud he was investigating, death in an apparent suicide or accident, etc.
The labor of the +association is to break that vision of the society of the good and evil, the understanding of the social problems of fraud, how to confront them and find the best positive situation, the best positive attitude toward the people involved to reduce problems; and the most important is to understand the +global change is about the sacrifice in gratitude to the society for what currently he had received, to act responsible and positively even when he can lose what he had got, that cause that from the beginning the +agent of change accepts the negative consequences and the responsibility to confront positively the consequences to a responsible act to the society.

That is more easy to say than to do, but the important is set the spirit, and understand the revenge of a person who thinks who has the reason toward the society is a permanent risk, these means that people that belong to the +association and that has dedicated their time to the +global management,  without a mentality of sacrifice can become against the +global society for an injustice.
These +global  positive value is essential.

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