miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

The different levels of treatment in personal relation inside the +association

The different levels of treatment in personal relation inside the +association, to promote the respect, kindness and modesty.

The +association and the +project will join different type of cultures, with different values and frequently with sensitiveness, cause by several reason, including the fact that in the +association and +project there is people with the intention of control and monitor.

The reason to have a different levels of treatment:
 - normal and respectful between friends
 - respectful for older people
 - respectful for superiors

General rules of modesty

General rules of kindness, empathy and consideration to the special situation of every member.

General rules of relation

The different levels of treatment will imply a different physical posture, eye contact and different type of language, Japan is a good example a respectful language, a normal language.
These behavior inside the +association will keep the discipline  and focus the mind even in normal situations, creating too a permanent positive environment for all the members.

Example of a cultural rule of the +association:
The cultural rule that force to accept a invitation
 All belong to the culture, and values that will be set clearly of positive attitude. But there are rules of relation that are not usual for many cultures but are important.
The rule that force to accept a invitation even if it is only to share time, of course is not possible to accept, and finally it is only a cultural value, there is no punishment for that.
That will allow the creation of relation and will be element that allow the reach of goals.
In example the member A ask a meeting to member B, and of course member B will reject, but that creates an obligation without reason from B to A.
These mechanisms are important to allow members to interact between them.
 It will force the creation of optimum mechanism to have meetings, etc.
These cultural rules are not only important, they are vital for the nature and the goal of the +association and +project.
These rules will allow of course fellowship and sense of humor, so member has something to do when there is not pending work. :)

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