domingo, 2 de julio de 2017

The essential +global social values that will allow the existence of the +global +society

Each +association must have a group dedicate to plan and implement social values in their scope, not necessarily all, else all that they think they must focus on.

The gratitude of the +association and +project to Japan, for represent a model of a positive society, not only for being positive, else for presenting a solution that works for a complex society nowadays, else for having problems that many other countries had, but they found a way to manage them positively internal and externally.
Most +global social values comes from the positive values from Japan, plus some other more that are needed to allows the existence of a +global society.

They are divided in  categories, and their creation and adjustment to every culture globally, is done by a specialized group present in all the +associations that manages the +project, to increase the probability to get a successful implementation.

1) The +global social values that allow the design of a +global society that can be delivered and applicable globally.

+global social value: To keep the mind in the reality and the feet on the earth, toward a positive +global society
Understand that problems will continue, problems will happen; but at the same time understand that a +positive attitude, the prevision, the respect for the individuality, the responsibility in the behavior will increase the possibility to survive as humanity.

+global social value: To encourage, protection and respect of individuality
The individuality is the existence of the humanity, as a person, as a family, as a culture, as a society, as acountry; and no matter how correct or wrong it is, it must be respected, and only influence them positively.

+global social value: The personalization of the +project and +association in each level of individuality
The +project and +association can be created in every level of human grouping: university, culture, country, global region, etc.
In all the cases there are several models, of other similar +association and +project that can be used.
But is the decision of each +project and +association how it will be designed.
The only principles to respect are: the survival of the whole humanity, the responsibility of each act to any other being, the foresight in every act, the respect for the individuality, and the most important, the positive focusing in every act toward any other being to maximize the benefit and minimize the damage to any other being, respecting their individuality and freedom of choice.

+global social value: To respect the freedom of choice
If one person receive a limit of water, is the decision of that person to decide what to do, if they want to water plant, use it or give another person, or not use it is their decision.

2) The +global social values to manage the life of oneself

+global social value: An effective strategy effort, perseverance and discipline, and effort in oneself life.
These is to have a strategy a plan that allows good life and satisfaction, to avoid to be a burden to the society, to have in excess to share with other and to previse future circumstances.

+global social value: Responsibility with the compromises and the consequences of each act a person does.

+global social value: CARE and modesty in the amount and type responsibilities one acquires, in all the groups a person belongs, having few children, having few responsibilities to deliver them correctly, etc.

+global social value: Responsibility to get the mental well being to survive by oneself with independence
These means to make the activities to allow to get the mental peace without depending of external people or elements to get the essential well being to exists mentally.
Always a little more than the necessary to support and deliver all the additional conflicts that happens in life.

+global social value: Responsibility to get the physical well being to survive by oneself with independence
These means to make the activities to allow to get the physical well being without depending of external people or elements to get the essential well being to exists mentally.
Always a little more than the necessary to previse and help the need of oneself and the group in the case of problems that always happen.

3) The +global social values that allow the coexistence in the +global society of all the culture in the present

+global social value: The priority in the need of oneself
The main principle is first to satisfy our own needs, physical and mental, to  get a minimum of well being that allows to exists. In any relation with other the priority is always the unit of individualily, and one it is satisfied minimally then to proceed to be positive with others.

+global social value: The respect to other person
These is the respect that create a positive attitude from one person to other, based in the treatment that person receives in the relation.

+global social value: The recognition and acceptance of the person and his rights
These is the behavior and the feeling we create in the other person in a relation, that we accept he, his rights and his life.

+global social value: The positive focus in a relation: gratitude
These is the behavior and the feeling we create in the other person in a relation, that we focus mainly in the positive aspects of a relation, remember the positive things we received and expressing gratitude for that.

+global social value: The support to others
These is the behavior and the feeling we create in the other person in a relation, that we care them and their needs, meanwhile they do the most of by themselves to care of them.
These means to is a +global social responsibility to help to raise new members of the society, to get a job, to success in their tasks to survive.

+global social value: The honesty to others
These is the behavior and the feeling we create in the other person in a relation, that we are honest with them, that doesn't means not to lie, else that means that our good feelings are honest and all what we do is thinking in the best way we can do to be positive to them.

+global social value: Allow the positive existence of the other person, emotionally, mentally and physically
These means:
- to respect his space.
- to respect the use of his time.
- to allow a person to raise emotionally, respecting and to be humble avoiding to excel as a superior of that person.
- to allow a person to raise mentally, giving silence and hearing.
- etc.
An attitude that allow a person who is not the smarter to feel respected as a smarter person, specially if he is a person with a higher rank, in all the groups of the society.
An attitude that allow a person who is full of responsibilities to have a time and place to breath and find himself his dreams and the support to reach them, in all the groups of the society.
Briefly is what allow a person to exists in all the groups of the society, physically, mentally and emotionally; as a member being accepted and as an equal by the other members of the group; as a leader being accepted and respected in a way that he can work as a superior of smarter person than him; as a subordinate being recognized and supported integrally by their leader in all the needs he/she has.

+global social value: The differentiated language to demonstrate respect
Thee levels of respect in each language for people who know, another for respect in human relation, and one additional to show a high respect to authorities.

+global social value: The sacrifice  to raise new generations as a behavior that shows maturity and that a person is an adult
These is the responsibility to sacrifice, not only help, else to sacrifice something we need, but not essential to us, to help other members of the society to raise and survive.

+global social value: Reduce conflict and find a way to resolve the problems independently
These is the responsibility each members of the society has to solve the problem that has with others, in a peaceful and positive manner.

+global social value: Loyalty to groups that support a individual
These means that any person must present respect, loyalty, fidelity and gratitude to all the groups it belongs and of those the person received something. These doesn't means a permanent tie, but yes gratitude and respect specialty when disconnecting from those groups to create or join to another. It is the family, the business, the social grouping, etc.
And compensate in the way a person can to that association, at least with respect and gratitude.

+global social value: modesty in use of resources of society
To live in a way that use only the space and resources one need, looking to use only the necessary, to avoid envy and use resources other people too needs.

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