Adittionally to the groups by speciality and strategy, we have a group for each important group of global values, they are in charge to of all the task that involves the introduction in each society and their values the global values; planning, creating, adjusting, teaching, monitoring, etc.
The social values are the guidelines of the conduct globally, like positivism, patriotism, human dignity, rationality, sacrifice, individuality, equality, democracy etc.
They guide the global behaviour arranging the priorities.
The more important addition to this global values are the japanese social values, because they introduce in the global beahviour, positivism, effort, sociability, consciousness of their social responsabities toward other members of the society, etc.
It is like a proved solution that in this stage of the global management must be added to each country.
But they are not enough, there are still other that are critical if we want to reach a global stability under any condition.
There are several that are very important, plus other that become more relevant when talking about global values, because they are tied to the main guidelines of the global management, like:
- Individuality, the respect to the individuality of each country and their internal management, the evolution and integration of the individuality of each person and country to a global individuality.
These is specially critical because one of the most important reason to not accept a global integration is the risk that some leaders lose power, and be attacked by a "global army", in that sense the +association set clearly he will respect that individual government, that the +association and +project are not the justice, the police or the expression of the citizes; the +association is the global government based in knowledge management doing and trying to get the best with a deep respect to the independence of the government and individiuals. They take what there is and propose the best solution toward the survival of the humanity, and act in that sense.
Anyway no matter how cruel can be a lider nowadays their cruelty is not like it was one thousands years ago; the +assocition and +project, understand the process of evolution of societies and that the abuse of power will not dissapear and in long term is not necessary harmful for the global society.
In a long term analysis many positive and good intention leaders can cause more damage to the members of one society than those leaders that act with violence and terror. Is difficult to judge the long term effect of each government internally in one country and globally.
- Optimizing time and resource, to optimize the use of the resources, the time of the people, to leave them more time for more important task like their own and individual evolution.
To optimize the use of the resources is critical, because they are limited, the reuse must be planned from the beggining of the creation of products, because in long therm, the fault of resources will end in global conflicts, industrial and laboral problems.
- etc.
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