domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

The achievement of the feeling of being accepted and recognized by the global community

These is one threshold that will be monitored permanently in all the cultures around the  globe.

The tension between cultures for several reasons, are never going to end, one century ago, many cultures not only didn't recognized each other, they were in the process of trying to annihilate each other.
The conflicts are not going end, cultures will not apologize for all the things they to other cultures.
Here the +association comes to create the feeling of being accepted and recognized by the global community, and from different culture that attacked them in the past.
The +association will create opportunity to create activities that show each culture the support from other cultures.
As part of the normal activity and specially in critical situations, the +association will suggest or even pay in local and even global media, to highlight the positive relation and acts one culture had with the other, that reflect that culture accepts and recognize them; even when in the present there can be a conflict caused by some of their members.
The goal is to avoid the trigger of attitudes that can broke or tense the relation between the cultures seriously.
The point is simple, to show publicly that the acceptance and recognition from one culture other is the rule and his global position, and the rejection and attacks that is happening or happened, comes from isolated members and doesn't represents the position of one culture against other. And these happens when that culture shows the positive relation they had, and a present real position reflected in effective acts that shows that publicly.
Showing the marriages that respect the other cultures, the fair relation of work where one culture hires the other and receives a fair and just treatment, etc.
Even when they are not the rule, to show the positive ones, gives the message that are their intentions, that is what they are  trying to reach, even when of course this is not achieved in the majority of the cases.

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