miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

The expression of the individuality of all the +associations and +projects

The  expression of the individuality of all the +associations and +projects, is essential, because the project is about creating a global government based on knowledge and positive management, recognizing the individuality.

If it is an university his +association and +project MUST, it is a requirement, include in his organization and image, the history, their customs, their dress, all that makes them different from other university in the same country; this helps to create an individuality inside a city.
If the +association is from a country, then they must express their national chracteristics.

These individuality create emotions and memories about the history of the university, community and country, and requires people to open their mind to accept and understand other people.

Even when this individuality will create problems in communication and work, that must be prevised, these is about creating a global community of individuals not a big impersonal machine. Aditionally we know all the government and university had a set of burocrats, and this is something that differentiates and makes more attractive an association.

The logo of the +association and +project  will have standard areas for all the members, but two there will be elements that should be personalized and will identify the level of the +association (government, university, state,etc.) and the origin, These means the logo must have space and elements that allow the different type of institutions to personalize in a different way the logo.
The logo of the recognitions, like the recognition for investigations in new fields that implies the risk of life, like a journey to the space of mars, will receive a Survey Corps recognition in japan but will be different in France.

The +association has to create intenral conditions to atract the members with the correct chracteristics, something that make feel envy and desire to work in, google is a good example, but it is more oriented to creative and smart people who want to help and work directly with people, and has a passion for service to the humanity even when it implies some risky activities.

Every +association, +project must have a pet, it can be an animal, plant or character of any kind, if it comes from some movie, anime or cartoon, they must get the permission from the authors to use it.

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