viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017

The critical task of +association group: The +implementers

The critical task of +association group: The +implementers, they are the +association group to adequate the +plan's systems
The root mechanism for the success in the execution of +projects, the importance of the educative system for the +association

The +project and the +association requires a tight integration with the educative systems, in all the levels, because the school and universities is the direct contact to the family and through them to the +plans, in both of them there is a positive predisposition to help in a process to get a certification that allows to them to get other goals.

The educative system hadn't have major changes for more than 200 years, and most of the changes will come to make the goal of positive survival of the humanity a reality.

The payment to the students in food and money

Is necessary the educative system pay, to the students, with the minimal conditions for survival.
From the four years old, a kid should have the possibility to escape from their parent and survive through a system that exists between different social organization, including the school.

To receive that payment, is necessary the possibility to execute different tasks.

The food will be possible based on effective techniques and mechanism to farm enough food, in countries where that is the priority.

The payment will be possible because the essential and basic requirement for the +association to succeed in the execution of the goals of the +projects are the correct adequation of the plan to every country, to every city, to every culture, and to every family.
The sucess of a plan is the creation of a system, a strategy that guarantees the achivement of a goal, through a simple design, the provision of the materials, and the implementation of the solution.

The process of identifying the problem, adjust the solution to the reality in design and material, the production and implementation, and the maintentance, in all the society for all the human needs, is something that requires resources and generates works, so is possible after the students do that during all the time in school when they graduate, they will continue in the university with more advanced tasks, like production; and one they graduate from university; is possible they work on that too.
In example, these means instead of having woman carrying and selling water in the street you will have woman selling, producing, repairing device to capture water, or purify it.

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