sábado, 27 de mayo de 2017

The deep respect to the freedom of choince of every culture and government no matter their behaviour

The +association has a deep respect to every culture.
No matter their internal problems or injustice, the +association respects them, and treat all their members with respect.
The reason is because the +association and +project is based on the history and remembers no matter how injust or cruel a culture or government can be, it had evolved through time.
And in the situations where it is worst, the rejection and attack is not the strategy neither the function of the +association or +project.
The +association and +project aren't the justice, neither the police, neither the revenge of the victims.
The +association and +project represents the positive side of the global culture, the forgive, the welcome and the forgive for negative members of the +global society.
The +association and +project will work in coordination with justice, to coordinate a positive result for the members of the +global society.

The +association and +project teachs the +agents of change to be respectful, teach to protect themselves, always in a positive and responsible manner.
If the change they are searching is correct or not, that will be decided by the members of their society and culture.

viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017

The critical task of +association group: The +implementers

The critical task of +association group: The +implementers, they are the +association group to adequate the +plan's systems
The root mechanism for the success in the execution of +projects, the importance of the educative system for the +association

The +project and the +association requires a tight integration with the educative systems, in all the levels, because the school and universities is the direct contact to the family and through them to the +plans, in both of them there is a positive predisposition to help in a process to get a certification that allows to them to get other goals.

The educative system hadn't have major changes for more than 200 years, and most of the changes will come to make the goal of positive survival of the humanity a reality.

The payment to the students in food and money

Is necessary the educative system pay, to the students, with the minimal conditions for survival.
From the four years old, a kid should have the possibility to escape from their parent and survive through a system that exists between different social organization, including the school.

To receive that payment, is necessary the possibility to execute different tasks.

The food will be possible based on effective techniques and mechanism to farm enough food, in countries where that is the priority.

The payment will be possible because the essential and basic requirement for the +association to succeed in the execution of the goals of the +projects are the correct adequation of the plan to every country, to every city, to every culture, and to every family.
The sucess of a plan is the creation of a system, a strategy that guarantees the achivement of a goal, through a simple design, the provision of the materials, and the implementation of the solution.

The process of identifying the problem, adjust the solution to the reality in design and material, the production and implementation, and the maintentance, in all the society for all the human needs, is something that requires resources and generates works, so is possible after the students do that during all the time in school when they graduate, they will continue in the university with more advanced tasks, like production; and one they graduate from university; is possible they work on that too.
In example, these means instead of having woman carrying and selling water in the street you will have woman selling, producing, repairing device to capture water, or purify it.

viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017

The trasure of the +associations and +projects

These concepts is created to help any member to know where is the information specific for an +association, that show what makes their individuality, these means; their history, their contributions to the humanity, their social values; all that makes unique to a country, a society, an organization (university, etc.).
It is important because once one has to show something, they will improve their presentation, and will try to enrich it permanently; because implicitly will set a point of comparion and competition with other +association and +projects.

The protocol to salude, and communicate with other people

The +association will develop an internal protocol to communicate with other people.
These protocol will have as priorioty:
- Respect
- Safety of person, in example do not lose eye contact.
- Health, avoid handshake.

It will include an analysis of behaviour when one is ill, and other situations.
And ot her analysis will be included here.

These analysis will be done thinking to restructure the global protocol of communication, and applying it permanently.

domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017

The social global values and the groups specialized to keep them globally in all countries

Adittionally to the groups by speciality and strategy, we have a group for each important group of global values, they are in charge to of all the task that involves the introduction in each society and their values the global values; planning, creating, adjusting, teaching, monitoring, etc.

The social values are the guidelines of the conduct globally, like positivism, patriotism, human dignity, rationality, sacrifice,  individuality, equality, democracy etc.
They guide the global behaviour arranging the priorities.
The more important addition to this global values are the japanese social values, because they introduce in the global beahviour, positivism, effort, sociability, consciousness of their social responsabities toward other members of the society, etc.
It is like a proved solution that in this stage of the global management must be added to each country.
But they are not enough, there are still other that are critical if we want to reach a global stability under any condition.

 There are several that are very important, plus other that become more relevant when talking about global values, because they are tied to the main guidelines of the  global management, like:
 - Individuality, the respect to the individuality of each country and their internal management, the evolution and integration of the individuality of each person and country to a global individuality.
 These is specially critical because one of the most important reason to not accept a global integration is the risk that some leaders lose power, and be attacked by a "global army", in that sense the +association set clearly he will respect that individual government, that the +association and +project are not the justice, the police or the expression of the citizes; the +association is the global government based in knowledge management doing and trying to get the best with a deep respect to the independence of the government and individiuals. They take what there is and propose the best solution toward the survival of the humanity, and act in that sense.
 Anyway no matter how cruel can be a lider nowadays their cruelty is not like it was one thousands years ago; the +assocition and +project, understand the process of evolution of societies and that the abuse of power will not dissapear and in long term is not necessary harmful for the global society.
 In a long term analysis many positive and good intention leaders can cause more damage to the members of one society than those leaders that act with violence and terror. Is difficult to judge the long term effect of each government internally in one country and globally.
 - Optimizing time and resource, to optimize the use of the resources, the  time of the people, to leave them more time for more important task like their own and individual evolution.
 To optimize the use of the resources is critical, because they are limited, the reuse must be planned from the beggining of the creation of products, because in long therm, the fault of resources will end in global conflicts, industrial and laboral problems.
 - etc.

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

The expression of the individuality of all the +associations and +projects

The  expression of the individuality of all the +associations and +projects, is essential, because the project is about creating a global government based on knowledge and positive management, recognizing the individuality.

If it is an university his +association and +project MUST, it is a requirement, include in his organization and image, the history, their customs, their dress, all that makes them different from other university in the same country; this helps to create an individuality inside a city.
If the +association is from a country, then they must express their national chracteristics.

These individuality create emotions and memories about the history of the university, community and country, and requires people to open their mind to accept and understand other people.

Even when this individuality will create problems in communication and work, that must be prevised, these is about creating a global community of individuals not a big impersonal machine. Aditionally we know all the government and university had a set of burocrats, and this is something that differentiates and makes more attractive an association.

The logo of the +association and +project  will have standard areas for all the members, but two there will be elements that should be personalized and will identify the level of the +association (government, university, state,etc.) and the origin, These means the logo must have space and elements that allow the different type of institutions to personalize in a different way the logo.
The logo of the recognitions, like the recognition for investigations in new fields that implies the risk of life, like a journey to the space of mars, will receive a Survey Corps recognition in japan but will be different in France.

The +association has to create intenral conditions to atract the members with the correct chracteristics, something that make feel envy and desire to work in, google is a good example, but it is more oriented to creative and smart people who want to help and work directly with people, and has a passion for service to the humanity even when it implies some risky activities.

Every +association, +project must have a pet, it can be an animal, plant or character of any kind, if it comes from some movie, anime or cartoon, they must get the permission from the authors to use it.

domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

The note for the responsability of a global analysis and responsibility of any advice

The note for the responsibility of a global analysis and responsibility of any advice from the +association to any organization.
Any time when the +association makes a suggestion, or a plea, is important to specify, the scope of the analysis and responsibility and in the foot of the letter ask them to take the decision by themselves and include or suggestion or analysis only as an additional element we want they contemplate in their analysis.

Mr. uuu
We ask you to yyy.

Please, the +association trust in your decision, please contemplate this suggestion and based in your wider experience and understanding of the problem, take the decision you will not regret in the future, you will receive the support of the +association under our limitations to help you in the analysis or any other task
You must remember too that even the more careful analysis can guarantee the success, for that reason for us is important you take the decision you think is the correct, without contemplating any other opining, th e decision you will not regret.

The plea for a positive action without reward

After the +association does their work in other aspects, including the interlocutor; and the +association see is important the interlocutor make an important action, that generally will not generate any reward to him,  the +association will proceed to politely make the plea.
"Mr. xxx we beg you if you could do yyy for the zzz reason, to get the xxx1 reason, even when you will not get any reward or benefit from it, and we understand if you don't do is because that is the correct and the best decision you can do.".
I remember clearly a situation when the government of EEUU was going to release to the market minerals that was going to prejudice the economy of one country, then a woman made an educate plea, that avoid that action; and it help to keep the economy in a critical time, the government of EEUU didn't receive nothing, neither the woman, but for that country the benefit was done.
Is important to include a clear and brief reason that justify that action.

The achievement of the feeling of being accepted and recognized by the global community

These is one threshold that will be monitored permanently in all the cultures around the  globe.

The tension between cultures for several reasons, are never going to end, one century ago, many cultures not only didn't recognized each other, they were in the process of trying to annihilate each other.
The conflicts are not going end, cultures will not apologize for all the things they to other cultures.
Here the +association comes to create the feeling of being accepted and recognized by the global community, and from different culture that attacked them in the past.
The +association will create opportunity to create activities that show each culture the support from other cultures.
As part of the normal activity and specially in critical situations, the +association will suggest or even pay in local and even global media, to highlight the positive relation and acts one culture had with the other, that reflect that culture accepts and recognize them; even when in the present there can be a conflict caused by some of their members.
The goal is to avoid the trigger of attitudes that can broke or tense the relation between the cultures seriously.
The point is simple, to show publicly that the acceptance and recognition from one culture other is the rule and his global position, and the rejection and attacks that is happening or happened, comes from isolated members and doesn't represents the position of one culture against other. And these happens when that culture shows the positive relation they had, and a present real position reflected in effective acts that shows that publicly.
Showing the marriages that respect the other cultures, the fair relation of work where one culture hires the other and receives a fair and just treatment, etc.
Even when they are not the rule, to show the positive ones, gives the message that are their intentions, that is what they are  trying to reach, even when of course this is not achieved in the majority of the cases.

sábado, 6 de mayo de 2017

The monitoring of the threshold for social problems

The +association will monitor all several threshold globally, to detect social problems.

About the specific problem in Los Angeles between two communities.


In example In 1992, when Latasha Harlins was killed, and the Korean women who killed her wasn't sentenced to jail; a sincere apologize and repent, from that women, the community and even the president of Korea, and a symbolic compensation, could have avoid the riot that take five days in Los Angeles, and will avoid the korean community become the target of the anger.
The problem was a trigger after the attack to Rodney King.
"The riots over five days in the spring of 1992 left more than 50 people dead, and more than 2,000 injure"

The problem is nobody prevised that, even now there were not a clear public apologize and a symbolic compensation for that, and the tension persists, in the Korean community; in the reality many obvious things are never done, and for that reason, simple acts, like a sincere an public apologize and a symbolic compensation are never done, and problems keeps in tension between communities, cultures and countries by years, by problems that happened decades or even centuries ago.
Here comes the importance that becomes a base column for the +association, the diplomacy, the expression of empathy, the kindness, the recognition between societies, the execution of plans that force to work different people in tasks that force them to cooperate and develop the feeling they are only one thing, the public and symbolic compensation and expression of sincere regret between cultures, etc.

viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

The principle to avoid talk about problem that challenge the honorability of people

The management of history and information to avoid a negative impact

Is usual to hear that some government requires to block some information in different websites and/or block and create their own versions.

These happens everywhere:
- for governments and countries in many wars there are two histories, one from the aggressor and one from the defender
- for business there are products in which the invested too much time and money and want to sell, offering their positive sides
- for personal, there are information they don't want to be showed.

Here we come back to the concept of the +association, the +association and the +project are the basement for a positive global government based on knowledge.
They are not the police, there are not the judges, so unless it has a very important impact in the survival of the WHOLE humanity, the the +association will allow every one to protect their own position.

But why?

Example of aluminum pots and the supposed problem in long term for health
We are going to talk about the harmful effects of pots of aluminum, there were very aggressive attacks to them, true or not, they didn't stop them.What really stop the, supposed harmful effects, were the creation and lower price of other pots, and the change in the manufacturing of pots of aluminum.

These means is better to invest the time and effort to attack and dishonor the aluminum pots, in creating a solution and in negotiate it positively.
Additionally we must remember that one of the principles of the +association, is to assume all the people does what they do, in the best way they can and with their best intentions.
These means if they are doing aluminum pots  harmful to the consumers in long term is because they don't have other change and they are doing their best.
If this is not true it belongs a problem for the local government, police, town halls, etc. The +association doesn't discuss the honorability of the people if it is a government, a dictator, a business manager or a normal person.

From the point of view of the +association, if these problem is detected, then the +association focus in investigation that contemplates the price, the adequacy of industrial machinery, etc.

About the information the +association post that information, instead of "the problem of ingestion of aluminum", could be "the techniques that reduces the ingestion of aluminum".
The +association is contemplating the problem that represent the ingestion of aluminum, but in solution for the industry. "The correct usage of aluminum pots" suggest the correct usage of the pot, i.e. avoid to scrub with metal sponges to avoid release of molecules from the pot, etc.

Example of a political problem.
If one country says the true or not about a war they is currently in process or happened centuries ago.
Talking about the benefits to the goal of the +project and +association:
- What sense has to put an information that will dispose negatively a group of person against the +association?
- What problem is if it is ignored in the databases of the +association for the public at their requirement?
To keep that information for members, and keep their opinions without a personal position  makes more sense, but even internally the +association and +project must restrict any opinion from them until they accept it.

For that reason is important to always keep in mind what are the goals of the +association and +project, even internally without access to the public anything that is write will reach the person you are talking about,  and act in the way of importance; the confidential archives without opinions will be stored anyway for the time these people stop challenging between them, or they die, or the problem becomes unimportant.