lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

The scope of the specialty in strategy of the +association

The base strategies are basic realities like friend, enemy, just, unjust, right, responsibility, etc.;
 and attitudes, like good sense of humor, resignation, lose, quit, persist, fight, attachment, accept, reject, etc.

The human mind and society are structured based on this simple realities and attitudes.

Everything in the mind and in human relations works based on these simple and clear process, that are supposed to be obvious; anyone who understand them can easily manipulate the reality and in consequence the human relation.
In the opinion of the +association this simple and obvious process are more dangerous than an atomic bomb by the consequences they can carry globally if  they are misused.

To think in example in lie as a group as important as archeology, history, medicine, etc. sounds senseless, much more the amount of people and time.
But without the lie the global society, the local society , the human relation, would fail completely.
The human relation works because they have empathy, but that didn't happen all the time,in the past the slavery and different nationalities were the rule; not the concept of one world.
All these strategy are as much critical as medicine, or computing in the +global management and +global change.

The most important responsibility of the strategy specialties in the +association
The most important function is that the different strategy specialties in the association has the critical job to guarantee one operation of the +association and  +project be successful.
Over their shoulders is the responsibility of the success or failure of one operation.

Other tasks is strategy specialties
The groups of strategy specialties must extrapolate their abilities to other areas like defense strategies, design, etc.

In all the strategies, we must include all input of other sciences like psychology, neurology, etc. that must apply to each and specific problem that covers the +association.
Additionally are the periodic adjustment according to the new discoveries in different areas.
Additionally is the investigation and archive of personal information of each people who will participate in important decisions, to adequate and maximize the possibility of success in a negotiation.

Examples of this simple process are: the lie, the empathy, the identity, etc.

The reason to divide in different groups each strategy
The different strategies should be managed independently to help to develop independently and avoid the tendency to develop each strategy with the same mentality, and boots the rivalry between strategy groups to help develop the strategies.
That doesn't means it will be always possible to have a different group for each strategy.
Periodically each group of strategy, without losing the authority over the design of the strategy, could change the strategy to enrich each other, but of course only the group who is in charge of the strategy could approve the changes.

The secondary strategies
The are secondary strategies who don't belong to any group in special, the design of them will be managed independently, and can be enriched with each other, but the design should always be adequate to each strategy, there is no something like a general secondary strategy for each main strategy.

Example of strategies

The lie

The lie is a structuring of the reality toward the reach of a goal, different to what it is in nature.

Naming in that way, we can see the lie must be present:
-In all the communication,
-In the historic analysis
-In the realities we use to structure any communication

For the +association is the manipulation of the information, from history, from current problems, so they can help to reach positive agreements and functioning across all the global society in all areas.

These means the group of strategy of  lie: must set rules from a guide of  communication of the +association to a check to all the strategies, techniques and methodology from the +project and +association to guarantee they present the information in a way it can get the most positive result in a relation.

I remember one example, where an adopted kid started to drink alcohol, because he found his real father was an alcoholic, and a phrase that restructured it, it was:
"Your father is the one that bring up to you, the other is only a semen donor".
That simple phrase restructure all the mind of the kid and reached the positive goal she was looking.
This is the idea behind of the strategy of lie, to find the most effective techniques, phrases, the best fact and strategies that allows to reach a positive goal in the global management.

The manipulation of the history can allow the countries become friend or foes depending the point of view you use to interpret it.

The empathy strategy

These strategy that seems to be simple, is about all the technique to get empathy in all areas, from different countries, to empathy between the department of marketing and production, to the personal relation.
The problem is when empathy doesn't happens.

The identity
The identity is everything internally in t

In example, Identity: The innocent child

The child innocence is an inhibitor, because it implies:
 - He does the best for everyone
 - It allow the imposition of his identity, because anyone is him, because the innocence represents the good.

The no strategy
This strategy  is about not having a strategy, usually used when the other part has a very and almost perfect plan.

The strategy could be verbalized in this way "The no strategy covers all ways, to guarantee the success in one in an almost infinite number of choices, and the first goal is to find the true the strategies of the enemy, and the enemies".

This is a strategy for groups who are losing usually, who has the minimum knowledge and resources.
The strategy requires to move in a complete an absolute and random path, even when the victory seems to be guaranteed and the chosen option seems to carry to victory, the path should be random.

The group is divided in small groups who had the same goal, even when they are one group, they must be in a random way even if that prejudices the other groups.

This strategy is real, it causes frustration and anger, but too discovers hidden ways, uncover strategies, and tends to shows the true.

It requires in the members the development of intuition, connection to past to transmit knowledge, the psychic abilities long ago had demonstrated to be scientific like the methods to develop them.

The development of temporary rules and actions to regulate and protect the integrity of the group, these rules are guided to keep the integrity of the groups, all are assigned to each group, without the knowledge of the others, but like other measures, they can be ignored.

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