miércoles, 4 de enero de 2017

Conflict of interests between the Administrative and the members of the +Association

If the Administrative groups is going in one or another way going to get information about some inventions in their initial tasks, and by default all members are competitive, there are going to be real problems for new inventions, because it takes several year from an initial idea to get it finished.

For that reason there will be a qualification for Innovation and Products.
There are global products, that will be created suggesting to the global industry to use, it, the patent will reside in the association, and by rule will be free or almost free.
The groupal products, products developed by an aggrupation for the benefit of that  group.
The personal products, products developed by a person for himself.

In the other hand, independetly of the patents around fo the world, the assocation will have an independent record of patents, where a member will have to register the patent.
The patent will have a classification of general type, importance relative to global matters, and others.
That will set the expire in a period of time, and must be specific.

A patent for a robot that can land in a planet, a device need in a time of emergency like a medicine, etc.
Or a general patent like, creating a robot.
Will have different conditions and time of experation, in the register of the global +association.

In that sense the administrative group, and their families will have a limitation in:
 -Participacion in the creation personal products.
 -And will have an extended expiration time for using patents of the +association that expired, and could be taked b y another members.


Is necessary to accept there are going to move not only some, else several situation of fraud about patents, and all members must accept them, the +project and the +association accept the existence of fraud, and injust practice, so the member must take care to avoid it to happen.
In other words, the member must accept the risk that member of their group and the association can stole the idea, in that sense he must take the required measures, is like leaving your personal things in a restaurant, the restaurant gives you some protection measures, but they can guarantee some of the personal of the restaurant or their client stole them from you.

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