miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017

The creation of history with the current news

The history group of the +association is responsible to store the news as historic facts.

The information must be analyzed, interpreted and communicated to other groups, and projects inside the +project and +association.

The different groups of the +association can enrich that information, with data that they can see relevant for their interests.

The positive approach
All countries have secrets, and any news about a problem in the society represents an attack   to different groups, peoples, cultures and subcultures of the society.

In that approach, the History group of the +association, enrich the news toward a positive point of view.

The rules for interpreting positively the news
There are common rules to interpret positively the news that the +association and +project will spread permanently, like:
The positive interpretation of the problems in the global social groups.

- The society is improving, the society had been growing and become more tolerant and benevolent
The cruelty and violence as an accepted behavior had been reduced, and act like mutilation of parts of the body as a normal punishment, had been reducing.
- Individually the leaders in different levels of the society, had become less aggressive and  tolerant in the process to protect their interest from groups that denounce crimes and problems associated with their leadership.
- We are in a process of improvement, that doesn't means we have to tolerate them, but we must understand we are in a process of improvement, and people, honest or criminal, will protect their interests, their professional image, the image of their country, etc. That will drive to work in a way we can judge as unjust for a specific place and time of the history.
- We must focus in the improvements we do in the process and the values in the societies
The fact that there is something we can judge as just for a specific place and time of the history, doesn't means it will be just for the future, many practices that were normal and correct some centuries ago are currently judged as abominations of the humanity.
These means we must act positively and think how to improve the system, and how to help the members of society to reduce and save their reputation, to reduce their aggression toward other members of society.

One common example is fraud, is accepted and recognized the fraud, with different levels of justification will happen, specially in governments, that will generate people who will denounce, and people who can damage socially or even kill the pople who denounces them.
We know that these happens all the time, instead of focusing in find the frauds, detect and destroy the reputation of the people who commit fraud; the project will motivate the creation of politics that will block the possibility of fraud like the modification of the process to make legal tramits.
Modify the leadership to avoid the investment of the money of oneself, in politic campaigns, to deserve the right to have a job, etc.

The Normal baseline for news and history to increase the positive approach
Across the history, slavery was normal, a good person could have slaves.
Some punishments that are extremely cruel nowadays were normal and acceptable.

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