Whenever there is a problem the +association assumes:
1) that the involved parts are always doing their best,
2) the parts involved says the true, and has the best intentions to help the global humanity
3) in the case they are not doing that, when they get of the mistake they will fix and compensate the damage.
in consequence:
1) the +association don't critizes, if the +association see necessary, a change, then improves the proposal, and ask if they are interested in receive, that proposal, if they don't then the +association respect that decision and add to the document availables to the public.
2) if some people involved, was a confirmed criminal in a direct or indirect way, the +association recognizes him as a positive member for the society, and assumes he will fix and compensate the damage he had done to the humanity, even if he continue doing during the process of proposal and execution of the plan of the +association, and treat with the highest respect and support, the reason is because the +association believes if the humanity expects a criminal or dictactor become a good human, the only way is to treat amably, recognize him, and see the positive things in them, the positive things they had done, and the positive things they can do.
3) When there is a problem with the honestity of a group of pople, in example, when making a donation is expected that there will be some fraud and a percentage of the donation, will be stolen, based on the human behaviour around the world, but in the case that a group of people stole completely the donation, apologize and ask for more, after taking some foresight, the +association will trust in them, and will trust in his apologize, of course if for a second time it happens, the +association will negate, but in a repetuous and positive way, something like "to guarantee the donation reach the victims, we had choosen a more adecuate channel, we apologize and appreciate your support"
The +association is not a court, the +association doesn't decides what is right or what is wrong.
The +association focus in the suggestion of the most effective measures to face a global problem.
Once the +association conceptualizes a solutions, nothing guarantees this is going to be the best decision, there can be many other factors nos included in the analysis, factors that are supposed to be stables and change, etc. Causing a bad decision could cause a good decision and viceversa.
In that sense that +association doesn't has the concept that the solution proposed is the better, the +association simple proposes the best solution that it can and let the people, organizations and goverments decide adding their own perspective of the problem.
Around the world are too much criminal organization and many of them are people who do it because they couldn't earn money in other way, if we expect to change, they know what they are doing and many people told that to them, so the best is the respect and positive expectative.
The consciousness of reality
In the other hand the +association is completely conscious of the problem and consequences, in that sense respecting this law make their best to avoid these problems.
The projection of a good reputation as much as can be possible from the +association
The +association is completely consciousness of the true, and in the records will records the things as they are, in a objetive, impersonal and respectful way, but it will do, and most of this information will be available to the public. In the case of the theft of the donation, will be a register saying, "the donation didn't reach their destinity after giving it to x organization, the x organization said it sunk in the ocean, some other people and evidence said it was stolen", and additionally is the reference to news where the detail is explained. But what the +association says, will be always in the more positive way, trying to help keep the reputation of the people involved.
The reason is to create a positive behaviour for the +association, if when all the people attacks a group or a specific person, the +association shows the positive facts, keeping realiable with the truth, is more possible that that person or group, changes investing their efforts in fix what he had done wrong; instead of generating in them anger, hate, and causing they invest their efforts in revenges and in discrediting what the +association says.
We must remember that many of what we see today as horrendous crimes, was normal punishment done for correct and just people, including torture and dismember; some centuries ago.
The moment when the world started to exists as a only one country with mutual respect and care, was when every country every person, decided to forget the past, and remember the positive things that joins together to all the humans, to trust in the people in other countries, even when in the past they made violence against them, assume their good intentions and responsibility to them and the rest of the humanity, only because they are humans. This confidence doesn't means unprotect border neither stop their military advance, it means simply that and attitude of positive expectative, and trust in the good intentions and responsibility of the others, no matter the past they had looking for a future for the whole humanity.
Note: These philosophy is inspired in japanese social norms of behaviour, that as we said even when Japan is far to be perfect becaues they are human, they are the best model for a global society, and the +project has a deep gratitude to the positive contribution of Japan to the Global society.
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