martes, 25 de abril de 2017

The upgrade of ONG to an +association

Any ONG or other organization, must know that they can upgrade to become an +association, but it requires to follow some basic guidelines, these are an advantage, because any customer for that ONG, will know they are following and they must follow a set of guidelines.

The essence of the +associations and the presentation and communication to their customers (governemnt, universities, etc.)

The concept of the +association and the +project is to give power to the powerless, this means we can't centralize the management to a group of people who can rule the others.
In the other hand a country can be receiven dozens of proposals and answering, about diverse topics, specially when any organization can structure as a +project and as a +association.

But in the other hand it allows unknown people to raise from anonimity with a important +global change, and get recognition by his work.
But for a country it can be confusing to receive dozen of letter of different ongs that claims to be +associations of +global +change.

For that rason to help in these functionality, internally between +associations there are a few important things to set:

Any person who receives a communication must know, the essence of any organization that works an as association and  +project are :
1) They are concerned and work around the survival of the WHOLE humanity, it includes his physical and mental existence, individuality and freedom of choice.
And they has a positive approach based on positive guidelines of behaviour, all the time.
2) Any +association and +project can organize in the way they want, but they must publicly put a link in their main page to a document where explains their particular strategy of work to the public, this document is of free domain and can be patented, and is published in the hope some other +association or +project benefit from their strategy
For recognized organization, other organization that takes them as a model, they can say, they are using the model, and they must specify which document (a download specifying their origin) and the date it was got.
3) They must link to a  list where this +association is listed as member, it can be a list hosted by this association, and it can be the only one listed, or it can be more than one list, one listed in their country and other globally by its specialty, there should include the date when this organization started.

Externally for customers, government, universities, and other organization, they must know there is a protocol of respect:
One of the main pillars of the +association and +project is the respect.
Every country or receptor, should know before receiving any communication, the +association
1) Must present himself and register in the receptr of the message, in that presentatino they cna include a message, there explain that if they reject they can explain the extent of that rejection so they can never receive a communication from that +association again, highlighting the principles of respect the +association/+project has to their customers.
2) If they are accepted they will be registered and receive a grant to receive messages, these is more a protocol of respect and courtesy.
3) If they do not receive and anwer, they can present their presentation again, and include a message.
4) If they are rejected they must respect and not contact that governement bythat channel or to that person or institution. It is about respect, but it doesn't means they can try other institutions.
The rejection must explicitly say which is the extent, it can be a whole country or a simple institution or person.
The customer, must be sure once he reject he will not receive the contact from that +association/+project again, unless he explicity revert the rejection they did.
5) they must include too in the presentation a list where he is registered as a valid +association, it can be his own site, and this association can be the only one listed.
The receptor must know that there are +associations by country and by specialty that represents groups of +associations, must present a list for customers to set which +associations are valid, and which are fraudulent,
And the fact of being registered as fraudulent or not being registered is not a guarantee that this to be true, and based on the knowledge they receive they must decide the best for them.

domingo, 16 de abril de 2017

The special treatment of the "powerful pirate of the global change"

These is a term  created to make more positive to existence of a group of people who has a big greed to get power and make global changes.
From old times, from the creation of the Wall of China, many big tasks for the humanity there had been humans or families, that had took and abuse on their power to get a change with few or big sacrifices of humans, the abuse of power meanwhile it was legal to get their goals.
Even when analyzing the specific case of abuses, they seem to be cruel; when taking a distance and seeing the importance of their tasks for a culture, or the civilization the reaction comes that it was something necessary to it was something important, that deserved that sacrifices.

The +association is focused in the global survival of the humanity and the +global change, for that reason it this kind of people, people who is true abuse in many ways from others, they to load the heavy guilty, because many groups of people accuse of them to him. And in the reality they work hard in their life to get that task that finally at long term are sucesses for the humanity.

To protect these kind of agents of change, of harassme, insults, and acussation, even based on real information, the +association set several rules:

- The respect to them, remembering the principles of behaviour, all members assumes they are doing the correct, and if they didn't the members will assume they will compensate in the future. In the reality it happens, once they get all that money and power, they start to return it to the society, in several ways, from public libraries, donations and other support to different humans groups.

- Indirect positive suggestions of improvement; any complaint to their methods, can only be done, by improving the processes they use, and suggesting a change.

It is very important, because they know, and they are not going to change only based on that information.
The goals of the association, are these "powerful pirates of the global change"
- Receive respect.
- Receive positive feedback.
- Have the chance to help other +agent of change.
- Have the change to support and create other projects, because they are smart, and have under their authority control of important scientific and resources to make investigations.

The +association in the process of training and in the introduction of the new +agents of globa lchange ,makes emphasis in the importance of focusing in the positive aspects of each member, and specially these group of agent of global change.
In the fact that no matter what a member had done it must be respected and the responsbility as member of the society to see and recognize en each member of the humanity a positive human that makes all that they can to help the society to improve and be better.
Because the possibilities to face a person inside the association, that is seen as the responsible of their personal, group or cultural suffering;  the violation of the positives principles of the +association and +project are critical and can cause different kind of sanctions to the members that violates them, because they have paramount importance to the success of all the mechanisms fo the global change in a global society where the resentments are fresh, and if the members of the +association or the humanity can make an effort to forgive and have a positive attitude, the existence of the humanity as a one can be a reality. That is the only way we have as humanity to survive, to see to the future.

sábado, 15 de abril de 2017

Laws of behaviour of the +association: Sacrifice

The work in the +association is a work of dedication and help to the +global society, and is responsibility of each member of the society to give their best effort and sacrifice for the advancement of the +global society.
With good sense, taking care of other responsibilities like family, but this is not a simple work, is a work that if done better, could help in saving resources and lifes; for that reason each member of the +association that work for the +association must give a plus of addition work in benefit of the humanity.

Laws of behaviour of the +association: Gratitude, respect, social care and individuality
Is important that the +association and the people express positive emotions like gratitude, respect, social care, etc.
But all under the respect of the individuality of each person, avoidining people without personlity, this is about an equillibrium.
There must be an emphasis in getting each member express other their positive emotions and graitude, but at the same time, that these must be done under the personality and individuality each one has.

Laws of behaviour of the +association: Independence and responsability to get personal well being
Part of the respect is the responsability of the +association to create oportunities and of the individuial to take them and all the needed steps to get his own economical and emotional well being.
These to avoid annoyinig other people to reach them.

Laws of behaviour of the +association: sobriety and moderation in use of resources

The +association and their members will have sobriety and moderation in their lives and work.
Consuming only the necessary.
Using only the space they need.
Under the strategy assumed, wasting the money of the +association as a limited  treasure.

Laws of behaviour of the +association: the focus of the +association in doing what is in their hands first

These means simple that the +association will be disciplined and will focus to do his better effort, investing time and energy strategically and smartly in doing what is in their hand to do, doing all what they can do, respecting the several limits imposed by government, other members of the +association, cultural limitations, etc.

These will be their first priority, the +association always will work under the worst scenario, specially when expecting the government or industries execute the global change, executing the strategies to get the best.

In their plan the +association will assume, because the resistance for change is expected and necessary in a global society, that the support will be none or minimal, and will do plans to success under that scenarios.

Laws of behaviour of the +association: Belief in the good intention and responsibility of the humanity.

Whenever there is a problem the +association assumes:
 1) that the involved parts are always doing their best,
 2) the parts involved says the true, and has the best intentions to help the global humanity
 3) in the case they are not doing that, when they get of the mistake they will fix and compensate the damage.

in consequence:
 1) the +association don't critizes, if the +association see necessary, a change, then improves the proposal, and ask if they are interested in receive, that proposal, if they don't then the +association respect that decision and add to the document availables to the public.
 2) if some people involved, was a confirmed criminal in a direct or indirect way, the +association recognizes him as a positive member for the society, and assumes he will fix and compensate the damage he had done to the humanity, even if he continue doing during the process of proposal and execution of the plan of the +association, and treat with the highest respect and support, the reason is because the +association believes if the humanity expects a criminal or dictactor become a good human, the only way is to treat amably, recognize him, and see the positive things in them, the positive things they had done, and the positive things they can do.
 3) When there is a problem with the honestity of a group of pople, in example, when making a donation is expected that there will be some fraud and a percentage of the donation, will be stolen, based on the human behaviour around the world, but in the case that a group of people stole completely the donation, apologize and ask for more, after taking some foresight, the +association will trust in them, and will trust in his apologize, of course if for a second time it happens, the +association will negate, but in a repetuous and positive way, something like "to guarantee the donation reach the victims, we had choosen a more adecuate channel, we apologize and appreciate your support"

 The +association is not a court, the +association doesn't decides what is right or what is wrong.
The +association focus in the suggestion of the most effective measures to face a global problem.
Once the +association conceptualizes a solutions, nothing guarantees this is going to be the best decision, there can be many other factors nos included in the analysis, factors that are supposed to be stables and change, etc. Causing a bad decision could cause a good decision and viceversa.

In that sense that +association doesn't has the concept that the solution proposed is the better, the +association simple proposes the best solution that it can and let the people, organizations and goverments decide adding their own perspective of the problem.

Around the world are too much criminal organization and many of them are people who do it because they couldn't earn money in other way, if we expect to change, they know what they are doing and many people told that to them, so the best is the respect and positive expectative.

The consciousness of reality
In the other hand the +association is completely conscious of the problem and consequences, in that sense respecting this law make their best to avoid these problems.

The projection of a good reputation as much as can be possible from the +association
The +association is completely consciousness of the true, and in the records will records the things as they are, in a objetive, impersonal and respectful way, but it will do, and most of this information will be available to the public. In the case of the theft of the donation, will be a register saying, "the donation didn't reach their destinity after giving it to x organization, the x organization said it sunk in the ocean, some other people and evidence said it was stolen", and additionally is the reference to news where the detail is explained. But what the +association says, will be always in the more positive way, trying to help keep the reputation of the people involved.
The reason is to create a positive behaviour for the +association, if when all the people attacks a group or a specific person, the +association shows the positive facts, keeping realiable with the truth, is more possible that that person or group, changes investing their efforts in fix what he had done wrong; instead of generating in them anger, hate, and causing they invest their efforts in revenges and in discrediting what the +association says.

We must remember that many of what we see today as horrendous crimes, was normal punishment done for correct and just people, including torture and dismember; some centuries ago.

The moment when the world started to exists as a only one country with mutual respect and care, was when every country every person, decided to forget the past, and remember the positive things that joins together to all the humans, to trust in the people in other countries, even when in the past they made violence against them, assume their good intentions and responsibility to them and the rest of the humanity, only because they are humans. This confidence doesn't means unprotect border neither stop their military advance, it means simply that and attitude of positive expectative, and trust in the good intentions and responsibility of the others, no matter the past they had looking  for a future for the whole humanity.

Note: These philosophy is inspired in japanese social norms of behaviour, that as we said even when Japan is far to be perfect becaues they are human, they are the best model for a global society, and the +project has a deep gratitude to the positive contribution of Japan to the Global society.

jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

The motivations to create an +association

As we explained previously an +association and a +project can be create at any granularity, it can be a  university, a state, a country, a continent .
It can be created with different purposes:
- to get a personal goal
- to get profit from creating relations to different groups of people
- to share an ideology
- the need to have their own independent opinion in the global  or local +association.
- etc.

In that sense and because the granularity, it can include part or all the components of the current model of the association, it can include only one specialty or only one strategy area.

The important is to set globally the concept of management based on knowledge, the project of foresight responsible for the survival of the humanity, the positive approach toward the rest of human, etc.

The +associacion and +project do their best respecting the political and social conditions

The concept of what is good, and what is bad; the concept of just and unjust changes across the centuries.
The slavery, in egypt, to partial slavery, in middle age, to partial segregation, in racism, to freedom under a social order, currently, etc.

In each of one there was a concept of freedom, and what we see as freedom, and justice; is not what will be freedom and justice in two hundreds years, and even more these will vary depending the country of the world.

For that reason the +association based in the positive focus, decides to respect the political and social conditions even when they are and abuse and complete injustice compared with other societies.

The reason is because the +association has the goal:
- to raise the positive of every society and government
- diminish the negative  aspects of every society and government
- to help as much it can in that society respecting their culture and their government.

The +association is an agent of positive change, these means it rejects a direct confrontation and critic to the government and cultures; instead of that raises the positive of each society and offer it as an example to the world.
In the other hand it show the positive of other societies and their benefits, so if a culture of government want in some moment to improve them, then can take and ask freely.

What the +association IS NOT:
-a revolutionary movement to change the injustices and cultural problems by the force.
-a defender of the country that will denounce injustices, will push to punish government and incite rebelion.
- etc.

The reason of this negation to negative and direct attacks is because:
- There are other organization and people who do that.
- If the problem continues, is because there is a reason, and continue with negative techniques no only will not work, else it will avoid to help the population of a country, in what the government and culture allows to help them.

The conflicts and the need to change to a positive focus of recruited agents of change
The +association as a protector of agents of change will usually start helping people who are directly struggling against the government and/or cultures; that will move the government and cultures to think the +association is the same as the agent of change.
In consequence once an agent of change is contacted to be helped, he will receive an advice, and initial guide to know how to act to survive, and will require the agent of change, to become positive, and +agent of change. If he refuses at least he will receive the guide and advice.
The obvious question is how can be positive a person against a culture or government that directly will attack him, menace their family, putting in risk their survival, or even more, not giving a change for survival.
For that reason is the importance of the specialties in the +association, because the correct strategy is the only hope to do that. But even then, the +association in the same way that the red cross, can`t cross the line and must respect that, and keep a positive relation with all dictator no matter how cruel or unjust they are, that betting to help in some way to the population, and opening a door for the leaders of the culture or government, to change the behavior,  and has an organization that will receive and support them no matter the cruel or evil their past were.
Of course in that situation it will not interfere with the local or global justice, but the +association will support and hep in all that they can recognizing him as a human and a person that has a chance to return to be a positive and responsible member of the humanity.

 Of course the information registered in the +projects,  will be detailed and trustworthy, they will not be modified to make some person, culture to improve their image, because the concept behind the +association is the positive attitude toward any human.

In the other hand the culture, governments and the people will use what they receive for the +association toward their own goals, but that doesn't means that if that are not positive, they are coherent or that was planned by the +association, even when it was expected to happen, the +association will continue acting positively toward to people, culture and governments pushing them to act in the same way. This is its goal, the survival for the humanity positive with individuality and freedom of choice, responsible, etc..

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

The public relation of the +association

The +association as the face of the  +project  has the task to connect with the public.
For that reason creates activities that locally incentives the empathy, retribution and felling of care from the +association to the community.

An activity or at least a creative image (like google) to remember special days for different countries.
With a page specialized for each country, and/or the criteria used to segment the public.

Remembering the plans in course.
The activities from different organization for specific special days.

A personalized contact, something more than simple show a calendar, that shows to the public that the +association takes the time to make a detail for them, their culture and their society.

Sending reminders of activities, RSS.

The +association will take the time and money to create and nurture human friendship with people who are in contact and in the decision area that works with the +association.


  The relation public is driven to create a real relation and friendship
   There are friends, to work, to share families, to party; these kind of friendship is specific and limited to the goals of the project.
   But it is a real friendship that implies a real worry about their needs and empathy with them. But as a global organization, there is too a priorit in resources and time, personnal and organization, so the friendship will be limited to that resources.
   But the goal of the relationship, and in consequence the procedures and strategy are to create a real fiendship, setting clearly the limitations of the frienship and the limitations personal/organizational to fullfill the responsibilities of that frienship, from members to the friends of the +association, setting clearly the goals of priority and sacrifice in both of them, in case of global or locals emergency, these means children, specific instutuions, etc.

miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017

The art as a strategy of the +association

The art, the beauty of a mental structure created and remembered in the design, in the painting, the music, the dance, etc  even the food.
More complex like a poetry, can be a book and a movie.
Is the ability to insert in the mind and idea to the subconsciousness that can inspire a person and a group of people to make a task, share an emotion, join in spirit and empathy with other people, sharing the emotions and feeling of a culture, showing them they has the same problem sand spiritual needs and fellings like any other culture of the world.
Is a vehicle, that even without words can create and modify a reality.

Of course is that because of his complexity is necessary a careful analysis to avoid an undesired effect. But correctly can be used to avoid wars and create empathy to work together to the same goal.

Unless a person had born from an egg, that person has ties and memories that links him with the humanity in some, we can't get he suddenly what we could call a monster regret of all bad he had done, but we can remember that tie, and find for him an excuse to avoid a war, to forgive or to be more generous or more emphatetic. That is the importance of the strategy the ability to make miracles.

The creation of history with the current news

The history group of the +association is responsible to store the news as historic facts.

The information must be analyzed, interpreted and communicated to other groups, and projects inside the +project and +association.

The different groups of the +association can enrich that information, with data that they can see relevant for their interests.

The positive approach
All countries have secrets, and any news about a problem in the society represents an attack   to different groups, peoples, cultures and subcultures of the society.

In that approach, the History group of the +association, enrich the news toward a positive point of view.

The rules for interpreting positively the news
There are common rules to interpret positively the news that the +association and +project will spread permanently, like:
The positive interpretation of the problems in the global social groups.

- The society is improving, the society had been growing and become more tolerant and benevolent
The cruelty and violence as an accepted behavior had been reduced, and act like mutilation of parts of the body as a normal punishment, had been reducing.
- Individually the leaders in different levels of the society, had become less aggressive and  tolerant in the process to protect their interest from groups that denounce crimes and problems associated with their leadership.
- We are in a process of improvement, that doesn't means we have to tolerate them, but we must understand we are in a process of improvement, and people, honest or criminal, will protect their interests, their professional image, the image of their country, etc. That will drive to work in a way we can judge as unjust for a specific place and time of the history.
- We must focus in the improvements we do in the process and the values in the societies
The fact that there is something we can judge as just for a specific place and time of the history, doesn't means it will be just for the future, many practices that were normal and correct some centuries ago are currently judged as abominations of the humanity.
These means we must act positively and think how to improve the system, and how to help the members of society to reduce and save their reputation, to reduce their aggression toward other members of society.

One common example is fraud, is accepted and recognized the fraud, with different levels of justification will happen, specially in governments, that will generate people who will denounce, and people who can damage socially or even kill the pople who denounces them.
We know that these happens all the time, instead of focusing in find the frauds, detect and destroy the reputation of the people who commit fraud; the project will motivate the creation of politics that will block the possibility of fraud like the modification of the process to make legal tramits.
Modify the leadership to avoid the investment of the money of oneself, in politic campaigns, to deserve the right to have a job, etc.

The Normal baseline for news and history to increase the positive approach
Across the history, slavery was normal, a good person could have slaves.
Some punishments that are extremely cruel nowadays were normal and acceptable.

The parameters and requirements of the stratagies of the +association

Example of the parameters for strategy

Parameters of Strategies

Each strategy has a lot of parameters that must be set in general, for the strategy itself, and or the execution of the strategy in a specific situation.
The attitude toward these parameters can imply a complete reorganization while applying a strategy.

Some parameters are:
The addiction to win
These parameters means how much we must sacrifice to win.
In the application of a strategy, the failure can happen, and it must be planned, in a way sometimes is expected as part of the execution of the strategy.
These parameter specifies the behavior when there is a risk of failure, to guarantee the success of the execution of the strategy.
The survival of the members
Depending on the situation the members of a strategy are in risk, it can happen in simple task to rescue people from an accident, is frequent some members that goes in risky situation of rescue dies.
The punishment for human life and human suffering
Currently there is an ambivalence in these topics.
In one way
If you die in a plain or some special situation the life can have an almost unlimited cost.
 If you suffer as a consequence of an accident like burn with hot water, can cost several thousands of dollar.
But in other situations like an accident in home, a die in other kind of disasters, the suffering and the death has no cost. Unless of course you want to move to justice.
The justice tries to impose socially an important value to life and suffering, but it means two problems:
1) It surpass the reality, in the task to make important human life and diminish abuse and violence, the human life receives an important value, in the same way that animal suffering.
These has the positive effect, to care human life, and avoid sources of death.
But in the other hand is the fact that problems that causes human death are hidden, instead of putting them as a consequence of several problems, to be analyzed.
2) It allows the human death and suffering as a tool to destroy people.
Across all government and institutions there are deaths and suffering, and it can be intelligently manipulated to identify a person and destroy them through accepted
In that sense the manipulation of these two parameters for the +association or against the +association, is a very important task to contemplate.

Requirement to the execution of all strategies

The requirement to guarantee the correct configuration of parameters.
The requirement of no expectation to succeed with one strategy
If we analyze in example the parameter of "addiction to win", to set it we imply that we must quit to any expectation and desire to win; and that expectation must be executed only in the way we planned for the strategy.
The requirement of sacrifice of all the members involved in a strategy
Even when it seems rude or cruel to say, it is a real requirement.
And most of the time all the members are sacrificiable, even when it is not say in these way, is accepted the fact and the risk of death of the members.
It can happen as an accident of car, airplane; or as a consequence of an attack of an animal, criminal or illness.
Is something nobody wants to talk about but it is generally accepted.