martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

The essence of the association is the permanent challenge, internal competence, the emotion, the desire and the motivation to learn, to change the world

There is a REAL limitation of the social institutions to protect agent of change
 Nither in the past neither in the present neither in the future  the social institutions neither the gubermental organisms will have the resources neither the ability to guarantee the protection not only an agent of change, else any member of the society.
The fact is usually the last to adapt to new changes are them.

I remember in EEUU Jay Dobyns a retired Special Agent, received a menace from the Angel's of Hell that they will kill his wife and will record that. The gubermental organisms to which he work, told him they can guarantee their security and he must face the problem alone.
If in some moment you think someone could do that, the true is they can help in the process, but nobody can guarantee that, once you become an agent of change you become a focus of other groups. But in the other hand if you don't do anything, you can lose the little help gubermental organization could give you.

Other example recently in the FBI a member of the FBI gave information for long time to the mafia about the informers who gave information to the FBI, causing them to be killed. This means people who trusted the FBI when giving them information end dead.

Maybe you don't hear too much about it, but this is normal, the corruption in the police, judges, and other legal advisors is the rule, not the exception.
If you decide to find judges usully you will have to fight against the criminals, the police department the judges, the social discrimination, etc.

This association borns as a concept to fill that fault,
Then does it means this will fight criminals?
No this association is positive, a new social concept that protect people and tries to reintegrate criminals, beucase it set as a social responsibility to recognize and help criminals to reintegrate society. Of course some of them never will reintegrate but there is a lot that integrate criminal groups because they don't have other chance and there could be having normal lifes if they could. Is a very complex problem.

Currently the mafia had integrated interally and externally across the countries, ahving member, male and female who work in criticals tasks to get information, from 911 to important corporations.
This association answer with a dynamic organization that will train and will keep alert in a dynamic organization that requires to compete internally for information, abilities, group members and knowledge.

The base and the feeling of the association is the emotion, the desire and the motivation to learn, to change the world and to compete.
The first rule of the association is anything is valid, because is a challenge to the ability to bypass the association abilities, and at the same time of the association to improve their abilities that will share with their members.
The members of the association will work on free mail sites, google, etc. but of course the project must monitor the mails send and received, to receive income.
A member can bypass the payment communication in other ways, but if they use that mails they must pay.

The forums will be on public places, so there must be techniques not only to encrypt, else to do it friendly.

The reason for this is the create the techniques for small groups of change to work freely and communicate securely, and creating other associations. This allows the association to recover easily to any attack, moving forums or recreating in another places.
The project is not creating nothing the mafia currently doesn't have it helps the agent of global change to learn to protect and survive if possible, because this not always is going to be possible, for that reason this is a critical task the members of the association understand if of live of death for some members in some countries.

Of course the gubermental institutions will be members, after paying his membership :), and they will have the change to monitor any abnormal activities, and the fact the association could be used for other purposes.

The members of teh association has this always in mind "Anyone can kill anyone, any group can kill or person can kill an agent of change, but you can enjoy your life, and if your fight and continue no matter what you do, you will reach once to your goal, and that once time you reach your goal will be the time, other members of the global community will receive that benefit, that in other situation they will never have. this is to keep and smart hope :)".

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

The analysis of the negative strategy of change

The negative strategy of change is not allowed for the member of the project, but let us to analyze why?
When one see something wrong, and one see negligence on something is easy to fill of anger and show and accuse  that behavior.

No matter what you see the humanity had been gone for better.
In food in most countries poor people lives like rich people lived two thousand years ago; in security poor people is not afraid that their house could be burned and their child be violated and took as slaves.
About freedom, one century ago, different kind of slavery around the world was the norm.
About violence, to cut a part of the body is seen as an abomination, but that was "normal" in some societies some centuries ago, as punishment in the law or as social practices like duels.

The continuous process of improvement
In that sense you have two choices, to see the past, and find a way and good and real reason to attack and feel anger to other people; or in the other way to dream and create a new and better reality.
You must think too, that the better reality you can create in the future, in that future could be see partially as an injustice and will be improved again. When understanding the latter, we understand we are in a continuous process of improvement, and that is important, the fact of understanding that no matter what you do, you will not do enough good to be perfect and righteous. The way we pay to employees in the future could be see as an injustice like we see the way first workers get payed in industry and as they saw slavery in that moment.

Then what is a negative change, this is ignore the other people, thay there is a reason they do that, is to ignore their needs and problems, and find a reason to accuse them; i.e. we can think in EEUU and their abuse to immigrants, we can move in the past and find and identify the people who had slaves, identify and publish names and all their evil acts, we even can identify their family nowadays, and then what do you expect?. to get their family to be punished, to be rejected and finally move that family to pay for the acts of their ancestors, what is what we can get them? what you can expect as an answer to your anger and frustration? to get them suicide themselves or be reject and throuw away from the society? where does this ends?

Maybe if you compare this with the current people and business, you can say this is different, but no, if you analyze in detail, if you put in their places in their responsibilities, you will see it is exactly the same.
And where ends the negative strategy of change?, this ends in the partial or  total destruction for those that inhibit the change, that maybe in the past was one that allowed a positive change.
But not only that, this will have a negative impact on the economy of the families and countries that leave from that industries, thsi could be better globally but usually for them not; and of course, that causes something, the negative strategy of change, causes they to understand where they will end if accept the negative strategy and do all what is in their hands, to stop them.
And at the end, as it had happened several times, the change is postponed for decades, and there is a lot of resources and donations invested in advertisement and verbal wars instead of executing the real change.

Global Warming is one of many examples, if you analyze in detail, instead of teaching and developing plans to seed trees, they invest in campaigns to demonstrate they are in the correct, even when it was clearly demonstrated previously, and that causes thousands of campaigns to seed trees and plants fail, because they don't do them correctly. They made a mistake they forgot to make what they can do, in their war to release that frustration. They make incorrect strategies, like the day of the planet, turning off the light gives the incorrect message that, that hour is enough to solve the problem, instead of pushing people to make a permanent change like changing bulbs, in a well designed strategy.

But in the other hand a positive attitude will not solve the problem, it requires a strategy, ability to redesign industries, to negotiate and make the change effective. This tools are teach to the member, to make them more ffective.

The hate and anger generate more hate and anger, the negative strategy for change, cause not to  get change, but yes to get more hate and anger. Not only for them, else too for future agent of change, that wants to change that or something similar in another area.

Negative is when you focus too much in the many other people must do and forget to do the little you can do.

For that reason is that this is a cause of expulsion of the project.
Now you got it ;)

The requirement to be positive and the Trash of questionable possibly false facts

 Is a requirement for any member of the project to be positive.

Why? because in a process of change, if one member attack a person or industry, even when they are right, that is the most possible, this will cause and prejudice the work of other agents of change.
To be negative, to forget to recognize the other person, being empathetic, to understanding their needs, the people and business they have to keep, they problem, their familiar problems, etc. Is a fault to a social responsibility, pushing out of the society to people and industry causing them to be negative to positive process of changes the society needs.

This is based too in what I understood from Japanese culture, because this project is inspired in the ideas they project for a positive individual and society.

What does it means?
It means to recognize the other person.
Once we have what we want to ask them.

 If it is a person, group or industry that helped the world,
  -First we must recognize his  contribution to the society
  -Second we must understand his needs, and be consequent with them, and the impact of the change we want is going to affect them. An analyze and find a way to avoid prejudicing them in any way.
  -Third we must very respectfully as the change in a positive way.

 If it is a criminal organization, that has no positive influence in society, we first must remember our responsibility as member of the society to help them to integrate to the society. And that is made with respect and recognition.
 - First we must recognize them as person and group, that there is a reason to what they do.
 Why to recognize them? because the problem reside in the fact they don't recognize other people and don't care their property neither their lives; to not recognize them is to make the same mistake they do.
 - Second we must understand that no matter if we like or not they will exists as they want, and we need to respect that, respect their right to make their own choices even when they are not positive to us.
- Third, Once we recognize them as humans and member of the society with rights, we must remember that we need they recognize us,  but to get that first we need to be enough strong to resist their violence and attacks. But always transmit them a positive and know they will have our support and help to accept them as positive members of the society,
- Fourth, to communicate a positive and respectful message, accepting them and that their decision are real and correct in their way. An insult and attack will cause a similar response, the best we can do is a educated request.

 Then what about other ideas, what about fact, and investigations that will lead to some information.
For that we will create the
 "Trash of questionable possibly false facts"
The "Trash of questionable possibly false facts" by default gives a clear message that this is not supposed to be true, and every person named in there will perceive by default the project suppose they are false.
This trash will have hidden, names, places, even when they can be obvious they will be hidden by respect.
but member of the project will can read them. External people will read but with hidden critical information.
Basically what anonymous is doing.

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

The formalization of the decision making: How many human lives can we lose for a improvement in our life

This can sound really cruel, but this is the reality.
Any kind of improvement in our lives, starting from the use of fire, implies a risk that cause human lives.
This is too for animal lives because improvements in human lives influecen positive and negatively in ecosystems.

One example is cars, the use of cars causes thousands of lifes around the world, the same for the use of electricity.

Why we talk about this in thsi project, and why is necessary to include as an important part of the management of the mental processing.

The reason is the society evolves in this concepts, in the past to use a car in some places you have to warn and fire a gun. Currently we don't, but in that time, it was the correct.
This implicit axiom, this implicit trues you assume always had been true, they weren't true always and that must be explicitly expressed for two reason:
1) Many problems raises because they base in different axioms.
2) Because several times they are outdate and can be improved.

Is a fact the use of advertisement in freeways, causes accidents, in that sense you can prohibit them.
In the same way you can prohibit the use of cars, because they cause accidents and cause people become fat and unhealthy.

The problem is meanwhile we don't formalize the decision making process, there are going to be a lost of huge amount of resources in discusions about problems that  never are resolved and cause frustration.
And one of the problem comes from the supposition there are perfection choices, choices that are good for everything and everyone, but this is false.

The only chance is when formalizing the decision making to understand there are not completely good or bad decision, list the good, the bad, improve them as possible; and take the best decision.

The problem of privacy is the same, the government with millions of people need mechanisms to detect earlier any kind of risk for the country, and in the other hand people needs privacy; but because there isn't an agreement and a mutual understanding both groups act as if the other is contrary to their rights and responsibilities, and instead of seraching the best option, they start an important loose of time and resource of their members in both sides, security and people.

Then what can we do?, the strategy of this project is foresight and responsibility, thsi mean foresight damages, reduce them. Be responsible, be positive, optimize the process, optimize the resource used, activate and use all your cognitive functions in a methodology when designing, use predefined methodology for every task that involves the previous concepts (i.e. for inventing), etc.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

Japan, the prototype for a global Country: The importance of Japan strategy for a succesfull global community

Japan is the country choosed by this project as the prototype for a global country, and is a honor to have such quality of people, here are some thought why they had been elected.

What I knew about japanese people was they are two friendly, and if you want to maker marketing you can ask directly if they like or not, they was going to say yes. I remember a funny program when they make drink the victims a repulsive drink, and a japanese women drink it, and she said it was tasty, and the people of that program made her to drink again and she did. Out of that I didn't understood.
Based on an incomplete investigation not what they are, and on their vision, what they wan to be, this is my opinion.

 is NOT the most honest people, they don't have the first place in the fraud qualification of countries, I remember a friend toldme that money found in the trash can be from a payment.
 is NOT the most forecasting country, Fukushima.
 is NOT the most green country, whaling in Japan.
And they have several social and person problems not resolved yet, maybe because they are humans :). 

Then why should Japan is the choosen for the project, this is what I understand but maybe I can be wrong in something:

- They have a deep discipline to get a goal, they have the motivation to fight for a dream.
 currently we have the techonology to get people survive without "doing nothing", this is a diet of vegetables some proteins and algae, including house. In the future specially with the robots, this free posibility will increase and will become a reality.
Once we could live without doing nothing then we will understand what we really have is our dreams, an internal motivation to follow a dream, to search an adventure, and to live it.
Maybe now it is irrelevant, but in the future it will not.
I read recently a document explaining most people who earn the lottery become unhappier than they was before, because once you get anything you want, you will not support your problem with your couple, you can start to do the funny things you always desired, but that doesn't carry to any place, because they are only entertaining activities.
- They see as a society not as an individual
The fact that old people don't bother giving prority to young people to receive help in a crisis, is a good example.
The most interesting is that this way of thinking implies a change in the way the mind works.
The sacrifice for your family, that in war had been distorted in kamikazes, is a very important value.
-  20 worlds or less, and do not bother with personal problems
I'm not sure if this is a social rule, but I had seen repeated several, times; first speak short, and second I don't matter your personal problems, but if you want we can search our dreams together.
- The important need to recognize and accept people socially
I ignore if that is a social rule, and if this is the real reason because they have low level of criminality; this is the social need to recognize people, to understand them and to help them, in the way you can.
- To be optimistic, this is to ignore the contempt, reject and critics, and see them as positive comments and support, and live with it, because in long term you will receive what you give.
- They see each membes of their society as an important an special people, instead of a machinery that has a lot of disposable members.
- Their education, I didn't understood the importance of the importance of their "excessive" education, but when you think as a society with problem, that all people have all the time, this is an important mechanims to keep the members of the society in a a positive way toward the society too.

As society they have their own values, and customs, that makes difficult to include non pure japanese people, because it can have conflicts with other social values from the culture they have mixed (impure japanese) not because they don't accept them. I have the theory when a japanese from other country wants to integrate to japanese society they stress to see if they really accept and if they want accept their original culture.

Is very interesting :), but officially Japan is the prototype for a global country for this project, even if they don't accept ;) but is pending a deep analysis, there are other positive cultures better than Japan, but Japan is the best positive culture, as a big culture integrated globally.

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016

The association of Cazadores

1           The leadership in the project: +Cazadores’s Society of the Global +Change

1.1            Introduction

The name of the society of the Plan is a recognition to the work of Yoshihiro Togashi, hunter x hunter, the hunters are people who hunts different things, they can hunt new discoveries, new food, etc. The name of the society is based in that sense of innovation and agents of changes.
But the most important is the level of analysis and strategy that is required to execute a change in the reality. That is the reason,  is suggested for the members of this association to see that anime, so they can grasp the importance of strategy, instead of simply trying to win because they have the reason.
Note: The site has an X instead a plus, because + is not a character allowed in website names.
The zodiac is a set of different personalities that comes from the Japanese zodiac.
This idea comes from the leadership of the project and the question who is going to take the leadership.
If you find a Theo heretical perfect leader, he will move to the way he things is correct, but sadly the reality is not correct neither fair.
Other important need for the project is people who want to help it, who will invest time, power to help the project reach their goals.
But this people are goal oriented, and will help to get something they want, it can be publicity, information, development a project that will help him indirectly or will prejudice his competitors indirectly, that is the reality and this is going to happen any way.
The only way to allow it, is to create a mechanism of help to that person to reach their goals at the same time the projects get its own goals.
The project will control the benefit of this subject and will compensate with some mechanisms previosly agreed with him, their competitors will can participate in the project too, of course, and this can enrich the different opinions of the project.
In the project the member will have to assume a rol in a specific point of time, represented by the different personalities of the zodiac, this will help other members which is his position in the project.
There are two important question
1) What happen if he tries to manipulate the project to his own interesets, first is to set there is nothing neutral, second is the person who has opposite interest can participate, third the zodiac will have to have a permanent benefit to the project.
2) What about the participation of doubtous member of the planet, imagine a dictator, in that case we must understand the project is to help people in the way they can, this could mean to create an independent protal to that country only with the element that dictator will allow.
For that reason is important to understand the goodness is relative, no human is perfect and in someway he is causing directly or indirectly damage to other human beings, no matter their intentions, the real good people from Catholic Churh has been a very important benefit in several countries, but not giving justice to abuse to children, and forcing people to not use contraceptives having an important power in the society, forced to poor people to be more poor, because having more children they can't get out from that situation, and that, to have too much children, implies to condem several families to death, hungry and illness. They don't jail people but they damage people too. Because even a couple that takes care of conception by several reason can end with several children without wishing, a family without contraception can end even with the dead of the mother.
Returning to the point, the leadership of the project will be his finality, and it will have several members, who had won a position by helping the project. The management of the project will  be based on a leadership based on information, not in the ideal leader, this means the leader and their members will be limited by  the finality and strategies of the project. :)

1.2            The friendly side of the zodiac

Life is enough stressing so the zodiac will try to relax that stress, and promote the participation of ego child in the meetings.
Depending of the role a member is doing, in example, if he is only interested currently in reach his goals more than in the project, then he can choose the symbol of the rat, and that is required.
The other idea is to create images of people, that represent a different strategy, malcom X could be an attitude to denounce frontally all injustice, withotu taking care of what happen to the person denounced, and seeing the life and the end of malcom X, gives too and idea of the advantages and disadvantages of that strategy.
At the end of a discussion, all member will bode with virtual cakes for the one they don’t agree, and that person could change that virtual cakes by something in the coffe bar of the organization.
In this part the japanese culture will have important influence, there will be a pet for the zodiacs, etc. Because the project had choosen the japanese society as the model to work with.

1.3            The presence of the security agencies of different countries

Every country, every goverment has their own secrets that want to keep, that they don’t want to be investigated, by default a secret agency is amoral, they are not good or bad, they do what their current goverment requires, for different purposes from protecting the image of the country, their interests, their presidents, etc.
In that sense every goverment can participate in the +Cazadores+s Society of the +Global Change, and require are that must not be investigated and/or shared to the public.
Of course that means a disadvantage because when pointing to something to do not do, they are making many people who are not aware of that become more interested in that. And that is part of the game of power.
But the different goverment will have the support and the project will communicate their requests to all the members.

1.4            The +Cazadores’s Society of the Global +Change, reflect the reality of power

The +Cazadores’s Society of the Global +Change, will reflect the current power of the world, this means taht any one who had got power in the society, through ability,  though power, will have a presence in the power, no matter if they are  good or bad.
Because the project support positive society, if a criminal decides to help the world, the project will help, and will recognize for that, is true he/she is a bad person, but is true too that when helping people they are god people, and the project will help the most he can to move as a positive agent of change, at the same time the project will protect other members, blocking communication and avoiding personal presence, of some members.

1.5            Requirements of membership

The new member should demonstrate his real and effective influence in the global change, because he did a global change or he can do it and he is going to do.
There will be different levels of membership.
But it requires a real global change to be executed, and there are only a few person who can do it, because it takes a long time.

1.5.1            The agent of change in evolution

The true is the agents of change in evolution are those who more need a membership in the society, but they can get it asking help or paying for that service from a member of the association

1.6            The credential of cazador is the membership

Once the agent of change is accepted by the association, he receives a credential, the member can receive only once.
That credential is his membership.
This credential allows him to get the benefits, and that credential can be sold or given to another person.
The reason of this, is the strategy of the association, to allow movements, instead of restrict them, if an associated decide to sell, it can be a geniune decision or not, but is an alert to be investigated.
In the other hand, it allows people who never could enter to the project to enter, then why to allow a person to gather that information to use incorrectly?
The reality is the reality, the agent of change die, are jailed, prosecuted, assasained, etc. Giving a formal mechanism to it to happen,  allowing the association represent the reality , allows to detect easily activity that will happen in another way, they could menace in the same way other member to get that benefits; then allowing to buy a  membership, of  some member,  avoid a number of scenarios not allowed.
The reality of an agent of change, is hard, and it is going to be inside and outside of the association, the importance of the association, is that when gathering several agent of changes makes more difficult to be chased indepently and anulling them without trace.

1.7            Benefits of membership

The introductory formation the members must receive in personal, defense, negotiation and other abilities to be effective agents of change. The goal of this formation is to protect the agents of change, because they are usually persecuted and killed, and they must learn to take care of themselves.
Interaction with other members of the project under specific conditions and normative.
Participation in the decision of the project, in different levels according to the level of membership.
Legal support, Information and support in patents, even redirect donations to help in projects.

1.8            The interaction between members

There must be restrictions between members, but it can be cut completely.
The member, especially if he has a higher position, must have a possibility to be contacted, but in the other hand, we must avoid unnecessary contacts.
If one person is member of an association of agents of change, then he is there to share and help.
The member set specifically the characteristics of the contact, in theme, secondary themes; and extension.
If a person violates that specification, then he will have to pay a monetary penalty that will increase in time.
The project will allow any kind of contact, specially to allow malicious contacts, because that will allow to detect some menace to specific members of the association. Internally the doors are open in the channels of contact.

1.9            The support for projects

The association will bring users mechanisms to create projects
-          Creation of forums, with access control
-          ftp to upload documents for projects

1.10         Work

Once a person is a member, can hire or be hired, every person will have specific curriculum for every type of job he does, to be more effective his selection.
The project will update periodically, any kind of observation he could have, legally, from police department, from groups, even from specific person; this will allow to the person who hires him, to consider all the details when giving him a job, reducing the risk of any menace to him.

1.11         The CEO of the project

He needs a quality to be positive, to understand both sides and support both sides in any kind of rivalry, if it is an external problem of change or if it is an internal issue between members. He is basically a positive father for all.
He must reinforce the principle of a positive change:
-          That at long term good or bad things can be good or bad.
-          Etc.
He needs to have a real good sense of humor, even when he is  a serious person when working.
His biggest ability should be the analysis and strategy, he need to have the ability to take distance fro mreality and analize it objetively, he need to have the ability to be happy and keep the hope and the strategy even when all the things are going in the worst scenario.

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

The need of a global government

The concept of the project is evolving as the basement of a global government.

Every country needs a government:
- To coordinate the basic social institutions, basic services, etc.
- To create an environment and regimentation for business.
- Etc.

The global government must provide initially, the tasks that must be done by all countries as an only one big country, and currently is done independently by every country or one country takes the leadership.
 Question: Didn't the United Nations has this role?
Yes, the UN United Nations, should do this, but has a different strategy.

This project is going toward  propose the mechanisms that will execute that needs.
First, the association of agents of changes, the Association of +Cazadores; empowers and connect globally agents of changes. This will include individuals, and other organization like anonoymus, giving them power over the design and work of the global government. Helping to organize, even giving money over the proper execution of tasks,  and persist across the time; because this project see is important the different organizations that help people to organize to create plans, control, execute plans, feedback, etc. globally.
Second, the technique to storage, the information selection and the share information used globally.
Third, the strategy to create plans and technologies to accelerate global changes.
Fourth, the coordination of responsible industrial revolutions, corrdinating and redistributing resources, and minimizing lose of resouces of affected business.

Does this project will fuse with the United Nations, personally I don't think so, in the same way is not a good idea to fuse all organization across the world that works for the global change, isn't a good idea to create an only one organization that govern the world; is important to create independet mechanisms, that work independently, meanwhile UN goes toward the formal vote and participation of government, this projects goes toward the participation of independent groups, frequently that search the change in their current governments.
Both must work together,
This projects should represent the laboratory and draft of the world and has their own massive plans and execution strategies,
meanwhile the UN are the formal plan and execution of plans.