miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

Interpretation of History and registration of data

1 The analysis and registration of interrelations of historic facts

For diverse purposes, like negotiation, the recent and past historic events, must register the interrelations between different countries, institutions, groups and people.

The tasks to interpret history is very important, in example to negotiate the global warming, is necessary to understand what was the role in World War II of petroleum producers, and the governments, because his strategic help could cause special concessions from diverse governments.
These means the governments, at least allied, will support them, and protect, against any direct attack, but will do nothing if there is a change positive to them.

2 The registration of strategies, their detailed implementation and the consequences

From personal to global matters, anything related to human existence.

3 The registration of the different version of the same news around the world.

These is important because any divergence show a hidden problem not resolved, that must be identified.

4 The registration of prohibition of news and important reactions to them.

5 The registration of all participants in the news

These will allow searchs in the database that will allow discover tendencies and problems.
The search of these database, must have levels of security, and agreements of responsibility, according to agreements with governments because several groups uses to use information to manipulate and get their goals.

For the +association, the history is the basement of what the +association is and does.

The suggested limit of richness for +agents of +change and their families

This is an important concept for the members of the +association, the money when having more than necessary can take more than one needs.
If we compare poor people in some countries, they were like rich people several centuries ago in other countries.
The real problem is when you have enough money that you disconnect from reality and the problems of the humanity.

There is a lot of people who understood  this, may rich man choose to live like normal people, like Warren Buffet, these means to use the money in security and all you need, but in the personal lives is important to live as a normal persona and with normal problems.
In the same way when one help to the agent of change, you need to protect, and help them, but only g iving enough to continue, without crossing the line that will cause the richness will separate from the problems he lives that motivated he become and +agent of change.

And this is to for their family and children.many couples keep together because they haven't enough money to separate when they have normal crisis, the same for the children, fault of money can keep away from bad friends and influences.

In the reality most satisfaction comes from relations and tasks accomplished, and to have less than enough money to do that.

The minimum requirement for all the +associations

The fact that any country, university, etc. can create their own +association, makes important to control the quality and upgrade of courses.

The +global +association  of +agents of +change, will present a minimum curriculum, (including updates) explaining their importance.

In example, the self protection of the +agents, through knowledge of techniques of personal defense, knowledge of toxicology, hypnosis, knowledge of the existence and functioning of underground groups.
Are important, if for some reason some +association can give that training, first they will know they should take it, second the +president of the +association will have the responsibility to found a reasonable soloution for that.